Your business needs archive document scanning solutions for spacial, risk-mitigation and collaborative reasons. Further, scanning allows for more mobile work to be done.
What Are Your Best Archive Document Scanning Solutions
Topics: document scanning
A Human Resources Records Retention Plan Will Clear Up Overflowing Filing Cabinets
The quality of a company's human resources record retention is a powerful barometer of how efficiently the company handles information in general. Without a solid plan of action, your company may not be up to regulatory standards, be safe from hackers, or be trusted by potential customers.
Topics: records retention
The Negative Financial Implications That Come With An Office Full of Paper
Businesses deal with all kinds of operational costs. Some of these are much easier to cut out than others. While most focus on the largest types of corporate expenditure, there’s one costly item that often remains out of the equation. This costly item is office paper.
Topics: paper documents
Is Your Company Large Enough For an Archives and Record Management Plan?
An archives and record management plan may seem like something only large businesses need, but the truth is that most businesses can benefit from a well-thought-out plan. The difference is that you may not need the large, complex system used by large companies. Unless your company has only five or fewer people, you could stand to benefit from an archives and record management plan.
Topics: record management
What are The Record Retention Requirements for Businesses in Canada?
Record keeping is an important prerequisite for successful business operations in Canada. There are several record retention requirements for businesses in the country that all organizations should adhere to. These requirements are set by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Topics: record retention
Record Management Legislations That Will Soon Affect Canadian Businesses
Record management legislation has been behind the times for years, due to the continued expectation that digital records are similar to paper records. Since the two have numerous differences and governments are beginning to understand these differences, you will soon be dealing with increasingly-complex legislation in this vein.
Topics: record management
The Technology Advantages That Come With Digitizing Documents
When you're looking to modernize your business, there is no better way than by digitizing your documents. Digital documents are undiniably the way of the future, as more and more businesses now rely heavily on computer, tablet, and mobile technology to run their businesses. Though these new documents will be immediately digital, it is important that all historic documents are kept in the same form. There are multiple reasons why this is important, but the technology advances that come with it are the most relevant.
Topics: digitizing
5 Signs Your Document Management System is Failing
The right document management system allows you to focus on what is important instead of wasting time tracking down documents and figuring out which is the latest version. Unfortunately, not every document management system works as you expect, and even if a system does, it has to be implemented correctly.
Topics: document management system
How to Slowly Transition to a Digital Document Storage Solution
While there have been numerous debates on different areas of technology, one of the few areas where there is universal agreement is the need for a digital document storage solution. The biggest problem with the transition is how difficult and costly it can be when it is not done right. Of course, you have to be careful when you implement your digital document storage solution, it isn’t something that you should rush.
Topics: Digital Document Services
For many companies losing data is one of their biggest fears. Unfortunately, this tends to lead to data hoarding, which can be nearly as big a problem as losing your data. The problem is that data hoarding gets far less attention, to the point where many companies do not even realize that they are doing it. This creates a number of other problems and issues, rippling out into other areas of your business.
Topics: data hoarding