Digitizing documents and “going digital” has been happening for a while now (like 2 decades), but many companies are doing a half-job of it. Paper still exists in the office, and a lot of it is in the form of junk mail—that you don’t even want.
Junk mail destroys 100 million trees every year—and other alarming facts.
Topics: Document management in Ontario, Document Management Toronto, Document management Hamilton, Document management software Hamilton, Digital Document Services, Document Managing Process
If the thought of maintaining your business records seems overwhelming, we totally understand. Not long ago, records management consisted of trying to keep a bunch of scattered files and documents in a somewhat orderly system. Just trying to keep track of all of the files and papers—which may have been created or filed by many different people, each with their own particular system—could be quite a challenge.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were an easy way to get all of this stuff under control? That’s where we can help. We are experts at document management in Hamilton. We can convert all of your files to digital format (if they aren’t already) and then set you up with a software system that lets you manage your files easily on your own.
Topics: Document management Hamilton, Document Management and ECM