Once your company has started taking advantage of the benefits of modern technology by converting its paper documents to digital files, you will need a solution to manage it all. There are plenty of document management solutions out there, and the best among them are cloud based. Here is why you should choose cloud based document management systems over the alternative:
Why Choose Cloud Based Document Management Systems?
Topics: Cloud Computing, cloud vs. on-site, digital storage, document storage, data storage
Cloud vs. On-Premise - What Document Management Solution Is Right For You?
For starters, let's clarify the difference between Cloud and On-Premise document management solutions. Cloud solutions (AKA Software as a Service, ASP, On-Demand) are software solutions that are hosted on secure, external, data servers. Whereas an On-Premise solution is a software package that is installed and maintained within your corporate IT environment.
Topics: MES Hybrid Document Systems, Records Management, document management software, Cloud Computing, document scanning, on-site software, document imaging, Toronto, cloud vs. on-site, Document Management and ECM