The Future of Microfilm and Microfiche: Embracing Digital Transformation

Posted by MESHDS on Jun 24, 2024 8:00:00 AM
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Topics: microfilm, microfiche, document management, digital transformation, Microfilm Digitization, Microfiche Digitization, Data Storage Solutions

Exploring the 6 Disadvantages of a Records Storage Facility

Posted by MESHDS on Jun 17, 2024 8:00:00 AM
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Topics: records storage, business efficiency, document management, Records Storage Facility, Digitization, Secure Storage

Guide to Effective Document Management and Archiving

Posted by MESHDS on Jun 6, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Document management and archiving are crucial across various sectors in any organization that handles a significant amount of information. Whether dealing with physical or digital records, an effective strategy ensures that documents are easily accessible, secure, and preserved over time. This guide will explore essential practices and techniques to help you manage and organize documents more effectively, enhancing efficiency and compliance.

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Topics: Records Management, data security, compliance, document management, Digital Archiving

Go Paperless! 8 Shocking Facts About Paper Waste in Businesses

Posted by MESHDS on May 2, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Today, businesses are looking for ways to work smarter and greener. Despite this, many still use tons of paper, which costs a lot of money and hurts the environment. There's a better way to do things: go paperless with the help of document scanning and document management systems (DMS). Going digital reduces clutter and waste, makes businesses run smoother, and saves them money. In this article, we'll dive into eight shocking facts about how much paper businesses waste and how switching to digital can make a big difference.

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Topics: sustainability, document management, digital transformation, Efficiency, Paper Waste

7 Features of an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) to Help You Boost Efficiency

Posted by MESHDS on Apr 25, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Managing and efficiently retrieving documents is crucial for success. An Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) is an indispensable tool for any business looking to optimize the handling of its digital documents. Beyond mere storage, an EDMS revolutionizes access, management, and critical information security. 

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Topics: data security, business efficiency, document management, Electronic Document Management System, Workflow Automation

Boost Efficiency and Accessibility: Find the Best File Format for Scanning Documents

Posted by MESHDS on Apr 18, 2024 8:00:00 AM

As we hustle towards making our offices digital-first, the question of how to best convert our paper mountains into digital files looms large. Choosing the best file format for scanning documents is a crucial step many overlook. It's not just a technicality—it affects how we use, store, and even future-proof these documents. From PDF/A to TIFF and beyond, each format serves a unique purpose and has its own pros and cons. So, how do you pick the right one? Let’s cut through the complexity and get straight to what you need to know to make that choice confidently.

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Topics: document management, Scanning Documents, Efficiency, Accessibility, File Formats

The Future of Records and Information Management: Trends and Innovations Unveiled

Posted by MESHDS on Apr 4, 2024 8:00:00 AM


Effective records and information management (RIM) is essential in today's fast-paced business world. It's not just about storing information anymore; it’s about how we use, manage, and protect this data. This blog aims to shed light on the future of records information management, focusing on the latest trends and innovations shaping the industry. We'll look at the current state of RIM, explore new advancements in document management technology, and offer practical advice for businesses looking to stay ahead. With insights from MES Hybrid Document Systems, a leader in this field, we’ll help you understand what’s next for RIM and how you can prepare for it.

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Topics: Records Management, Workflow, automation, information management, document management

Demystifying Compliance: How Long to Keep Business Records in Canada

Posted by MESHDS on Mar 18, 2024 8:00:00 AM


Understanding how long to keep business records in Canada is critical for senior leaders in mid- to large companies. It's not just about keeping your office organized; it's a legal requirement. Knowing and following document retention policies is essential for staying compliant with Canadian laws. This is where MES Hybrid Document Systems comes in. They offer a full range of document scanning services managed by experts. From planning your project to indexing your documents, MES helps you stay on top of your record management, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

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Topics: document management, Document Retention Policy

Strategic Data Management: Leveraging Digital Archiving for Business Success

Posted by MESHDS on Feb 26, 2024 8:00:00 AM

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the management and preservation of data have become paramount for businesses across all sectors. Digital archiving, a critical component of strategic data management, offers much more than mere storage solutions. It represents a sophisticated approach to organizing, securing, and retrieving crucial business information efficiently. 

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Topics: digital archives, data preservation, document management, Data Management

Digital Workplaces are Here to Stay

Posted by MESHDS on May 13, 2021 10:15:00 AM

Working from home is a concept we've been familiar with for a long time now—but the COVID-19 pandemic turbocharged the remote working scene. Almost overnight, scores of people worldwide started working from home—even professionals like doctors, lawyers and teachers (who we never imagined would work remotely)!

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Topics: digital organization, document management

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