Guide to Effective Document Management and Archiving

Posted by MESHDS on Jun 6, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Document management and archiving are crucial across various sectors in any organization that handles a significant amount of information. Whether dealing with physical or digital records, an effective strategy ensures that documents are easily accessible, secure, and preserved over time. This guide will explore essential practices and techniques to help you manage and organize documents more effectively, enhancing efficiency and compliance.

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Topics: Records Management, data security, compliance, document management, Digital Archiving

Document Indexing for Compliance: Ensuring You Meet Regulatory Requirements

Posted by MESHDS on Mar 4, 2024 11:39:35 AM


Meeting regulatory document management rules can be challenging, but using a document indexing system can help. Document indexing methods make it easier to find data, ensure accurate documentation, and access important information promptly.

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Topics: document indexing, compliance

A Guide to the GDPR in Canada

Posted by MESHDS on Mar 22, 2022 9:00:00 AM

With most businesses going digital, more personal information is left vulnerable than ever before. The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, was put in place to ensure private data stays private. The law covers national data across the EU and countries that sell to or interact online with EU citizens. That means that while the GDPR is an EU regulation, Canadians are still affected.

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Topics: document security, data security, information security, government security, data compliance laws, compliance, GDPR

The 10 Disadvantages of Manual Documents Filing

Posted by Andrew D'Arcy on May 5, 2020 2:16:12 PM

New employee: “I can’t find the printer and I need to print something.”

Coworker: “We don’t have one. And no you don’t.” 

Startups do things digitally. 

Invoices, receipts, and business cards are digital. Any paper that does come in—usually from the government—gets digitized and put in the cloud and that paper is recycled immediately. Post its and wall-hanging calendars are replaced by apps like Monday and Trello and Teamwork. Notebooks swap for task managers. Clutter disappears and productivity soars. 


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Topics: manual document filing, document scanning solutions, compliance, document management trends, document management, digital transformation

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