The Future of Microfilm and Microfiche: Embracing Digital Transformation

Posted by MESHDS on Jun 24, 2024 8:00:00 AM
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Topics: microfilm, microfiche, document management, digital transformation, Microfilm Digitization, Microfiche Digitization, Data Storage Solutions

How Damaged is Too Damaged for a Microfilm Scanner?

Posted by Mike Lynett on Jun 24, 2016 11:00:00 AM

Over time, microfilm and microfiche collections can become almost unreadable due to improper storage conditions. Poor storage of microfilm can result in the growth of fungus, redox, and other lasting damaging effects. Aside from damage that occurs due to natural aging and improper storage conditions, there’s no telling when a fire, flood, earthquake or even something as simple as a spilled cup of coffee could damage your microfilm collection.

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Topics: microfilm, Microfilm scanning

Microfilm Conversion: What You Need to Know to Make Your Project a Success

Posted by Mike Lynett on May 4, 2016 9:35:00 AM

Microfilm is a wonderfully reliable medium. Unlike many other types of physical documents, it doesn’t rapidly deteriorate, and it takes up less space. Despite its benefits, however, microfilm is still a physical document. It takes up expensive space, is susceptible to sudden destruction and isn’t easy to manage. Digital documents on the other hand, are highly secure, adaptable, mobile and take up no additional space per document. That’s why you are starting a microfilm conversion process.

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Topics: microfilm, microfilming

How to Choose the Right Microfilm Conversion Services

Posted by Mike Lynett on Jun 12, 2015 9:35:00 AM

Although many businesses, organizations and institutions have relied on microfilm to archive their media for historical purposes, it’s now more efficient and in some cases a requirement to convert microfilm over to digital media as the initial source for records management.  Microfilm conversion services can be a lengthy, technical and specialized process.  If you are seeking to hire a company to convert your microfilm, it’s important to know what questions to ask in order to receive quality microfilm conversion services.  

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Topics: microfilm, Microfilming Services, Microfilm Scanning Services

4 Reasons Why Microfilm is Your Weakest Link

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Oct 7, 2014 9:30:00 AM

Though microfilm, as a medium, is a very popular information storage format, many companies are opting for microfilm scanning services. Despite its potential longevity (around 500 years, if stored and handled correctly), there are many disadvantages of microfilm. These downfalls can adversely affect the efficiency of an organization. In fact, microfilm may be your company’s weakest link­ – here’s why.

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Topics: microfilm

Why Your Library Should Consider Going Digital

Posted by Corlene on Jan 22, 2014 3:23:00 AM


If you’re a book enthusiast, news that libraries are going digital may leave you feeling weary. If you’re a library administrator, the concerns of staunch traditionalists may have you shying away from new technology. Fear not, going digital won’t turn your library into a cold, sterile environment from sci-fi future. Instead, it could help to highlight and improve many of the services patrons use on a regular basis.

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Topics: microfilm, book scanning, Book Scanner, document scanning, library scanning, ontario library association, digital imaging

The End Of An Era - The Discontinuation Of Canon Microfilm Toner

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Sep 9, 2013 7:40:54 AM

Well it's finally happened. Canon Canada, the long-time microfilm industry leader, has announced the discontinuation of their microfilm toner cartridges and so ends a significant era in microfilm history.

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Topics: MP20, Film Scanners, Rollfilm, microfilm, microfilm reader printer, FilePrint, microfilm toner, microfilm scanner, Microfilm scanning, Canon Microfilm, microfiche

Don’t Get Stressed About Microfilm Scanning in Markham

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 25, 2013 4:00:07 PM

Need to transition your microfilm archive into a digital format? You probably fear that it will be a costly and/or time-consuming process, one that will occupy your staff’s valuable time and disrupt your office’s normal routine.

Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. At MES, we are like microfilm magicians. We pick up your microfilm records and –like magic—turn them into digital files. Okay, it doesn’t really happen with the wave of a magic wand, but it will seem just as easy to you. That’s because we take care of the entire process for you, at our location, so you and your staff won’t even notice anything happening. There is no interruption to your workflow, and no distractions or inconveniences for your employees.

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Topics: Film Scanners, microfilm, Microfilm scanning Markham

How the MES ViewScan Makes Your Life Easier

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 24, 2013 4:00:34 PM

If your business relies on microfilm to store your records, you probably spend a good portion of your time on tasks related to saving and maintaining these files. A tool that can help with this process would surely eliminate a lot of stress and work from your day.

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Topics: MES ViewScan, Film Scanners, microfilm

What to Look for in a Microfilm Scanner

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 23, 2013 4:00:34 PM

If your business needs a microfilm scanner, you have many choices available. But it’s important to pick the scanner that best meets your needs, while also providing the best value for your money. Since trying to figure out exactly which machine is right for you may be confusing, here are some things to look for:

Compatibility: You don’t want to have to buy several different machines, but you also don’t want to run into compatibility issues. Look for a machine that can read and save files from different types of formats: microfilm, microfiche and aperture cards, among others.

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Topics: Film Scanners, microfilm, microfilm scanner

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