Unlock Growth: Business Process Improvement with Digitization

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 25, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Digital transformation is crucial for companies aiming to stay competitive and efficient. Integrating digital technologies into business processes streamlines operations and enhances accuracy, efficiency, and compliance. This article explores the importance of digital transformation, key business process improvement (BPI) methodologies, and practical steps to begin your digital transformation journey.

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Topics: automation, digital transformation, Efficiency, Cost Savings, Business Process Improvement (BPI)

The Future of Microfilm and Microfiche: Embracing Digital Transformation

Posted by MESHDS on Jun 24, 2024 8:00:00 AM
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Topics: microfilm, microfiche, document management, digital transformation, Microfilm Digitization, Microfiche Digitization, Data Storage Solutions

How Medical Records Scanning Improves Care

Posted by MESHDS on May 31, 2024 8:00:00 AM

The healthcare industry is undergoing a significant transformation, moving from traditional and cumbersome paper-based records to more efficient and streamlined digital systems. Medical records scanning, a process that simplifies administrative tasks and significantly improves the quality of patient care, makes this possible. By converting physical documents into digital formats, healthcare facilities can access critical patient information much faster, reduce errors, and comply more effectively with privacy regulations.

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Topics: digital transformation, Healthcare Efficiency, Patient Care, HIPAA Compliance, Medical Records Scanning

Go Paperless! 8 Shocking Facts About Paper Waste in Businesses

Posted by MESHDS on May 2, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Today, businesses are looking for ways to work smarter and greener. Despite this, many still use tons of paper, which costs a lot of money and hurts the environment. There's a better way to do things: go paperless with the help of document scanning and document management systems (DMS). Going digital reduces clutter and waste, makes businesses run smoother, and saves them money. In this article, we'll dive into eight shocking facts about how much paper businesses waste and how switching to digital can make a big difference.

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Topics: sustainability, document management, digital transformation, Efficiency, Paper Waste

Streamlining Information: The Key Benefits of Electronic Records Management

Posted by MESHDS on Apr 11, 2024 8:00:00 AM

In the digital age, how we manage information can either propel us forward or hold us back. With their bulky file cabinets and endless paper trails, traditional document storage systems are increasingly becoming a bottleneck to efficiency and security. The shift towards electronic document storage is not just a trend but a strategic move to leverage technology for streamlined operations. The key benefits of electronic records are enhanced accessibility, robust data security, and significant cost savings. By embracing electronic records management (ERM), businesses and organizations can unlock new levels of productivity and collaboration, laying the groundwork for innovation and growth.

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Topics: digital transformation, Electronic Records Management

A Complete Guide to the Bulk Document Scanning Process

Posted by MESHDS on Jun 20, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Whether you’ve been sitting on the fence about committing to a paperless office or have a major archive issue on your hands, it always helps to understand the benefits and machinations of the bulk document scanning process. One of the most common questions our customers ask when they first interact with is: “How do you convert my documents into digital data?” 

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Topics: document scanning, digital transformation

Document Digitization: The Foundation for Digital Transformation

Posted by MESHDS on Sep 3, 2021 5:40:39 PM

"Digital transformation is a fundamental reality for businesses today." - Warren Buffet 

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Topics: digital transformation

Digital Transformation Starts with Going Paperless!

Posted by MESHDS on Jun 8, 2021 10:00:00 AM

COVID-19 undoubtedly accelerated the adoption of digital technology by companies across sectors and industries. Remote working and the resultant need for collaborative tools for geographically dispersed teams were the focus in 2020. 2021 brings in a new era in which organizations must consolidate their product or service offerings, staff requirements, and office spaces. They must review their existing technology infrastructure to prepare for the new normal—the hybrid work model. In this hybrid work culture, a certain percentage of employees will continue to work remotely. Teams will have to work collaboratively even if they are not in the same physical location. 

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Topics: paperless, digital transformation

Digitize the Lending Process: Increase Government Relief Applications

Posted by MESHDS on Apr 19, 2021 11:23:00 PM

2020 was a busy time for lenders—and highly stressful too. A slew of government stimulus packages, a pandemic-affected housing market, and financial uncertainties forced lenders into participating in various government programs to maintain their liquidity.

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Topics: digitizing, digital transformation

Improve the Mortgage Lending Process with Digital Transformation

Posted by MESHDS on Apr 12, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Buying a home is one of the most significant emotional and financial decisions people make in their lifetime. The experience will either be memorable or frustrating—depending on the mortgage lender involved!

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Topics: digital transformation

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