You know that ditching paper is the right thing to do for your business. You know that a digital process will work better, that your staff will be more productive, and that you’ll be able to downsize your office space—or work remotely—if you scan all that old information down to zero by digitizing it.
Topics: Document Scanning Toronto, paperless office, Document Scanning Equipment in Ontario, Document Scanner, cloud storage
Top Reasons to Use Cloud Document Management Software
Once you move to digital document management, you’ll never go back to having a paper-based archive. What’s even better that a digital solution is a cloud-based document management system that doesn’t have strict hardware requirements and that is incredibly practical.
Cloud-based apps allow for a lot more flexibility than any other type of software. The cost-efficiency of such solutions is also unparalleled, making them ideal for both small and large businesses.
Why Cloud File Sharing Services are not Document Management Solutions
As you seek ways to manage your digital documents, cloud file sharing has inevitably come up. Thanks to their huge popularity and some great marketing, many people only think of cloud file sharing services like Dropbox when considering the cloud. Although these are great resources for personal use, cloud file sharing services are not actual document management solutions, and should not be used by your business. Here is what makes Dropbox and its peers different from a cloud-based document management solution:
Topics: cloud storage, the cloud, Document Management and ECM
The Advantages of Cloud Document Management for Professionals
The average worker generates about 10,000 documents per year, so as a professional, you have to manage a lot of documents. The key to doing this effectively is to use the best tools and systems that are available to you. To this end, one of the best steps that you can take is to invest in a cloud document management system. Here is why:
Topics: cloud storage, the cloud, Document Management and ECM
A popular trend among businesses of all types is to go paperless. By going paperless, companies expect to operate more efficiently and save some money. But how much is your paperless office really helping your company? Fortunately, you don't have to guess at this. Here is how you can measure the impact of going paperless:
Topics: paperless office, digital storage, cloud storage, paperless
Why Sharing Documents Online Could Put Your Business at Risk
To keep up with the rest of the world, your business needs to be able to operate at light speed. To this end, you have already invested in several digital solutions to streamline your daily operations. One of the most beneficial moves that you have made has been to convert your paper documents to digital files. To further enhance your document's accessibility, you are likely thinking about sharing your documents online via a third-party cloud sharing/collaboration tool such as DropBox or Google Docs. Doing this, however, would be a big mistake. Here are the reasons why:
Topics: online document management, cloud storage, sharing documents
5 Reasons to Consider Cloud Document Management Software
Using the right document management software is critical for your ability to effectively manage your digital documents. There are many features that your document management software should have (indexing, scanned document conversion, accounting capabilities, file searching, etc). Which specific features your document management software should have will vary greatly based on your organization's unique needs. One feature that all organizations should consider for their software is access to the cloud. Here are the reasons why you should think about using cloud document management software:
Topics: Cloud Computing, document storage, cloud storage, secure document storage
Thanks to the cloud, you no longer have to store any documents at your physical location. This saves a great deal of time, money and space. The cloud also allows you to access your documents from anywhere with an internet connection. You may be interested in taking advantage of the benefits of cloud storage but don't know how to get started. Fortunately, the process is simple. Here is how to store documents via the cloud.
Topics: cloud storage, the cloud
From paper to the cloud, there are many ways to store your organization's data. That being said, the latter option is the best storage option to save you time and money. Here are the benefits you get from cloud storage for business:
Topics: Cloud Computing, cloud storage