The Advantages of Cloud Document Management for Professionals

Posted by Mike Lynett on Dec 11, 2015 9:35:00 AM

the advantages of cloud document management for professionals

The average worker generates about 10,000 documents per year, so as a professional, you have to manage a lot of documents. The key to doing this effectively is to use the best tools and systems that are available to you. To this end, one of the best steps that you can take is to invest in a cloud document management system. Here is why:

Improved overall efficiency

Paper documents get mixed up, lost and left behind all of the time. Once this happens, there is nothing that you can do to fix it. Such issues could harm your reputation at work or even cause you to lose customers. Cloud document management prevents you from facing such issues in three ways:

Automatic organization and instant access

A cloud document management system allows you to establish an indexing system that will automatically organize your files once they are created. This prevents them from getting mixed in with other files.

Quick file searching

A lost document is as valuable to you as one that does not exist. With a cloud solution, you can protect your documents from ever being lost, because it will be impossible for them to be mixed up. Instead, they will always be accessible via a simple search and will always exist where you expect them to be.

Global document access

You technically can't forget to bring your documents when you use a cloud document management system. This is due to the fact that they are always available to you via web browsers on computers and mobile apps on mobile devices.

Streamlined collaboration

Collaborating on a project or awaiting approval to proceed to the next phase can be difficult. This is due to the fact that it relies heavily on everyone being able to access the same data and communicating based on its current status; not only does this take time, it can cause confusion when people have different document versions. Cloud document management allows all relevant personnel to view and manage the exact same document.

Better document security

Even when you use digital files, document security is a major concern, because thieves are constantly looking for ways to invade your computer system. Even a single mistake – such as opening up a malicious email attachment – could cause a major data breach for you. Cloud document management removes your important data from your computer system entirely, instead using a highly secure, off-site server.

Better customer service

The relationships that you develop with your customers define your business' ability to succeed. One of the best ways to improve this relationship is better customer service. You can improve your overall service by delivering what your clients need, faster; this reflects your reliability and respect for your customers' time. Using cloud document management will improve your customer service in the following ways:

Less arduous paperwork for customers

As a customer, filling out mounds of paperwork and then trying to figure out how to manage it is tiresome. Instead, your cloud document management system can retain the documents and automatically deliver a copy to your customers via email.

Faster access to customer data

People don't like waiting around while you dig up the necessary documents to resolve their issue – or worse, tell them that you can't get to them right now. When you use cloud document management, you can instantly access the documents you need for your customers, no matter where you are.

Your documents should help you succeed, not hold you back

With a high-quality cloud management system, you will be able to maximize the benefits of your important business documents.

all about how cloud storage works

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