Enterprise Document Scanning: Taking Steps Towards a Paperless Future

Posted by MESHDS on Jan 11, 2021 12:29:00 PM

Up until a few years ago, the concept of enterprises going paperless was simply an idea—an aspirational goal. And enterprises did very little groundwork to get there. Paper records dominated every aspect of the workplace, from incoming mail and meeting invites to invoices, taxation documents, and payroll exercises. 

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Topics: Document scanning Markham, Document Scanning in Ontario, enterprise document scanning

How Document Scanning Can Make Things Simple

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 2, 2013 4:00:41 PM

Think about your archive of records for a moment. Does it give you anxiety just to think about rooting through all of those files? If so, your archive probably consists of many files and stacks of papers that are likely stored in towers of boxes with little or no organizational system. And you may even have a variety of different types of data formats, including microfilm, faded papers and maybe even some fax paper that has long since started to curl and fade.

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Topics: document scanning, Document scanning Markham

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