If you have decided that you want to upgrade your medical practice's logistical operations to include electronic medical records (EMRs), then you need to stop, breathe, and take a step back. While you are making the right decision switching from paper medical records to EMRs, making this change will be a headache if you do not use the right methods - the wrong methods for electronic medical records implementation can cause a lot of serious issues, including:
4 Methods for Successful Electronic Medical Records Implementation
Topics: EMR, electronic medical records
5 Unknown Benefits of Electronic Medical Records for Hospitals
By now, you and the rest of your hospital should know about most of the benefits of electronic medical records (EMRs). That being said, there are five little known benefits of using EMR systems that you should know about as well.
Topics: EMR, electronic medical records
Save Space and Time in Your Medical Practice with Electronic Medical Records
Electronic medical records allow physicians to access patient information. Just as with any other type of office, space is a precious commodity in medical practices. Yet many offices are arranged inefficiently, devoting more space to celling-to-floor shelves stuffed with manila folders than to patient seating. With an increasing number of general practitioners and family doctors reaching patient capacity, space and time saving measures have never been more important.
Topics: EMR, document scanning, electronic medical records, scanning patient files, Document Management and ECM