Once you move to digital document management, you’ll never go back to having a paper-based archive. What’s even better that a digital solution is a cloud-based document management system that doesn’t have strict hardware requirements and that is incredibly practical.
Cloud-based apps allow for a lot more flexibility than any other type of software. The cost-efficiency of such solutions is also unparalleled, making them ideal for both small and large businesses.
Effortless Version Tracking
Cloud-based solutions can be accessed from every location. This means that multiple people from different places could be viewing the same document at the same time. Because of this characteristic of cloud-based document management, impeccable version control will be required.
It’s possible for multiple people to have editing rights and to collaborate on the same document. Cloud-based document platforms may also enable the creation of an extensive revision audit trail, the storage of multiple document versions in different stages of editing, the creation of a historical record of changes and the clear designation of the newest file.
Immediate Deployment
All that you need in order to access cloud-based software is a web browser. When your document management system has cloud-based capabilities, there will be no software installation and extensive hardware requirements. In essence, you can begin using the particular solution as soon as you sign up for it.
There will be no firewall configuration, backup setups and additional customization required. While cloud-based solutions provide a lot of flexibility, they’re incredibly easy to use at the same time.
Better Accessibility
Cloud documents can be accessed from everywhere. You can work from the office, you can work at home or when you go on a business trip. People from two departments can cooperate on the execution of the same project without even having to be in the same room. Document sharing and retrieval also become incredibly easy.
Metadata tagging is one of the biggest strengths of digital solutions. Because of such attributes, there’ll be no need to know the exact name of the document in order to retrieve it.
Reduced Need for IT Support and Lower Cost
The cost of document management can be very high, especially for companies that have specialized needs or that process a bigger number of files on a daily basis. Cloud-based solutions provide a good opportunity for keeping the cost limited.
For a start, cloud-based document management is highly flexible. Businesses pay for solely what they use. This way, a startup or a small business will spend a lot less on document storage than a multi-national corporation.
Cloud-based solutions also reduce the need for professional IT assistance.
When on-premise servers are used for the purpose of document storage, companies will need to hire IT professionals. These experts will be responsible for server upgrades, maintenance and security. Cloud-based solutions eliminate the need for having a server, which reduces the cost of IT support.
Guaranteed Regulatory Compliance
All companies have to comply with standard document management requirements. The good news is that cloud-based solutions make it a lot easy to address all terms and conditions in the regulatory framework.
There are strict requirements for document keeping in many industries. The document storage capacity of cloud-based solutions exceeds the capability of any server. This way, businesses can maintain an archive for as long as it’s needed without worrying about running out of server space. Even if an upgrade is required, the cost of acquiring more space on the cloud is going to be a lot lower than the cost of buying a new server.