How to Organize Files in the Office with Document Management Software

Posted by Mike Lynett on May 27, 2015 9:30:00 AM


Technology has done so much to make it easier to manage and organize your business, but when it comes to files, things can get messy. Employees may save files to the wrong area, make multiple copies, or even delete copies. What you really need is to effectively implement reliable document management software. The key to getting your documentation in order is to find a solution that organizes your files in a manner that is easy to search, check out, store, and maintain configuration control.

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Topics: Document Management and ECM

The Benefits of Microfiche Conversion Services

Posted by Scott Kimura on May 22, 2015 9:35:00 AM

For years, microfiche technology has allowed organizations like yours to easily store its data in high volumes without taking up the same amount of space as a full sheet of paper. That being said, microfiche has been usurped by a more effective technology: the computer. Here are some reasons why you should have your microfiche images professionally converted to digital files.

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Topics: microfiche scanner, micrographics, Microfiche Scanners, microfiche

Ensuring Total Document Security

Posted by Larry Karatsoreos on May 20, 2015 9:35:00 AM

No matter what risks threaten your company's data, total document security is possible. As you know, document security is not something that just happens, so you need to actively take steps to protect your company's information – simply putting everything under lock and key is not enough. That being said, here is what you need to do: 

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Topics: security, document security

Paperless Office Solutions for Educational Institutions

Posted by Scott Kimura on May 15, 2015 9:35:00 AM

As a recent real-world experiment conducted by Yale University has proven, an educational institution such as yours can save hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses each year by simply reducing the amount of paper that it uses. Something that the results of the experiment didn't note is that having less paper to store, organize and retrieve will also allow all of your faculty and staff to operate more efficiently. That being said, you can't simply get rid of your paper, because it plays a critical role in the majority of your institution's routine activities. To make cutting back on paper use a little easier for you, we are going to explore a few paperless office solutions that you can start using right now.

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Topics: paperless office, education

How to Organize Important Documents Digitally

Posted by Larry Karatsoreos on May 8, 2015 9:35:00 AM

Whether it is a tax return, company information, personal data or any other type of document that your company deems important, you need to be able to digitally organize and protect it. To make this happen, you need to have a streamlined system in place that allows you to consistently organize important documents without investing too much time and effort. Here are the three steps that you need to take in order to make this happen: 

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Topics: digital imaging, digital storage, digital archives

Cloud Storage for Business: Saving Time & Money

Posted by Scott Kimura on May 6, 2015 9:35:00 AM

From paper to the cloud, there are many ways to store your organization's data. That being said, the latter option is the best storage option to save you time and money. Here are the benefits you get from cloud storage for business:

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Topics: Cloud Computing, cloud storage

Why Choose Cloud Based Document Management Systems?

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on May 1, 2015 9:35:00 AM

Once your company has started taking advantage of the benefits of modern technology by converting its paper documents to digital files, you will need a solution to manage it all. There are plenty of document management solutions out there, and the best among them are cloud based. Here is why you should choose cloud based document management systems over the alternative:

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Topics: Cloud Computing, cloud vs. on-site, digital storage, document storage, data storage

Long-Term Storage Solutions For Your Important Documents

Posted by Larry Karatsoreos on Apr 29, 2015 9:35:00 AM

Much of your organization's data will matter as much in a decade as it does right now. As such, you need to explore long-term storage solutions to preserve it for as long as you possibly can. To assist you in this matter, we are going to explore the pros and cons of some of the most reliable long-term storage solutions available to you.

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Topics: digital storage, document storage, data storage

Medical Data Storage Solutions & Guidelines

Posted by Scott Kimura on Apr 24, 2015 9:35:00 AM

The medical records that you retain are invaluable assets for delivering solid care for your patients. In order to fully benefit from them, they must be stored in a manner that makes the information you need accessible without compromising the privacy of a patient. 

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Topics: electronic medical records, data storage

Digital Preservation for Libraries and Archives

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Apr 22, 2015 9:35:00 AM

For libraries and archives, data is the only asset that really matters. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to consistently preserve all of the data that your library or archive stores because physical storage mediums such as paper and microfilm break down over time and are very susceptible to damage. What's more, these mediums are expensive and time consuming to reproduce. Unless you have a high-tech, airtight facility wherein nobody has physical access to your archives, this can make the outlook for long-term preservation seem dismal.

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Topics: digitizing library, archives, digital archives

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