The world spent the last 20 to 30 years or so going paperless. Digitization of paper files and easy-to-use document management systems paved the way for enterprise-wide, industry-wide acceptance of digitization. Even Doris, a stickler for alphabetized stickers, reinforced shelving, and file cabinets that weighed more than smart cars saw the benefit of searchable, shareable digital documents—which are many.
The Disadvantages of Using a Record Storage Facility in 2020
All-In Guide: Understanding Document Scanning and Management
Document scanning turns paper files into digital documents. Document management is a system that tracks digitized documents, ensuring accountability, transparency, organization, knowledge retention, shareability, and productivity.
Nearly 30% of American companies believe they must go digital to survive. Nearly 90% believe they must do so to remain competitive. But many companies don't have in-house resources to handle digitization themselves. That's where third-party experts come in. Read on to learn how a digitization company can help you right now.
Topics: digital transformation
9 Ways Document Digitization will Reduce Costs and Boost Productivity
Cost-efficiency and productivity are vital to every business's bottom line. If your employees are spending precious time searching for documents in disorganized binders and file cabinets, you're losing out on efficiency and money.
Topics: document scanning services
Can Small Businesses Benefit From Digitizing Large Format Documents?
Past practices of keeping large format documents in a hard copy form are quickly going the way of the dodo. In an increasingly digital world, it's getting harder to justify boxes of file folders that take up so much space they need their own storage facility to protect.
Topics: document scanning services
Go Paperless: How to Find a Reliable Document Digitization Company
The times are a-changing, and they're changing fast. What used to be standard business practices, like filing all your documents, are now considered wasteful compared to their modern alternatives.
Topics: document scanning services
Document Scanning and Storage: Why Are They Necessary?
Organizations lose out on 21.3% of their productivity due to problems related to document management.
Topics: document scanning services
What Do Document Digitalization Companies Do? 8 Things to Know
We are in a digital era where so many business tasks are performed online with the use of applications and software. Instead of sending letters, proposals, and invoices through the postal service, we deliver documents via email. Even courier services are being impacted because people can now send and sign legal documents electronically.
Currently, about 95% of business information exists in the form of paper documents. It’s a startling statistic, given the rapid technological advancements in the business world over the last few decades.
Topics: document scanning services
Things to Consider When Choosing a Business Document Management System
Each year, the global paper usage is about 400 million tons of paper. Using paper in offices is inevitable. However, the growing technology in document management is enhancing the efficiency of this process.
Topics: document management