Paper doesn't just harm the environment and your company’s productivity—and therefore your revenue—paper also harms your reputation: 87% of consumers surveyed say they look more positively on a company if they run 100% paper free. And that's how you want your customers to see your company.
Shared Drives and Their Document Management Pitfalls
Your company made the switch to digital and you haven’t looked back. Things are more productive than ever, you’re saving money hand over fist in your new smaller space (because all those archived documents converted into invisible files that don’t require a 3000 square foot facility), and your data security is lock-tight—oh yeah!
Topics: share information, Digital Document Services, shared drives, shared documents
COVID-19 crashed down overnight in March of 2020 and it was an eye opener for businesses still running on paper. Staff left the office to work from home, but they found themselves dead in the water. There was no way to access the paper documents locked at the office.
Topics: paperless office, Document Scanning Services in Ontario, document scanning services
You know that ditching paper is the right thing to do for your business. You know that a digital process will work better, that your staff will be more productive, and that you’ll be able to downsize your office space—or work remotely—if you scan all that old information down to zero by digitizing it.
Topics: Document Scanning Toronto, paperless office, Document Scanning Equipment in Ontario, Document Scanner, cloud storage
The two types of digital documents in your paperless workflow
It’s surprising how many businesses still run on paper (82% to be precise). We live in an age where technology has created bots that automate repetitive tasks and artificial intelligence streamlines workflows—but that’s not happening across the business world. Not even close. In fact, it looks like paper usage is set to go up by 0.5% until 2022. Up! That’s crazy.
Topics: Archiving Documents, Document Scanning Services in Ontario, digital imaging
Pitch Your Paper Machines—Because There's An App For That
Topics: paper scanning, document scanning service, Document Scanning Services in Ontario, document management in Toronto, paperless, paper documents, document scanning solutions
Topics: paper scanning, document scanning service, Document Scanning Services in Ontario, document management in Toronto, paperless, high capacity scanners, paper documents, document scanning solutions
Startups do things digitally. But companies that have been around for decades largely don’t. It seems impossible to believe, but 82% of companies are still paper-based.
“With all the lip service paid to innovation, it’s astounding that most businesses still use technology invented more than 2,000 years ago. We’ve entered the era of 3D printing, artificial intelligence, and missions to Mars — yet only 18 percent of companies consider themselves paperless.”
With cloud servers and apps like Monday, Trello, and Evernote replacing paper calendars, notebooks, and whiteboards, it seems crazy to think that less than 20% of all companies in 2020 operate digitally. Not so crazy, though, when you consider that computers weren’t even part of the office environment 40 years ago.
Let’s take a look at the brief history of paper to digital documentation and nail down when paper processes will finally go digital.
Topics: paper usage, paper documents, manual document filing, process management, document management trends, document management, business process automation, digital transformation
New employee: “I can’t find the printer and I need to print something.”
Coworker: “We don’t have one. And no you don’t.”
Startups do things digitally.
Invoices, receipts, and business cards are digital. Any paper that does come in—usually from the government—gets digitized and put in the cloud and that paper is recycled immediately. Post its and wall-hanging calendars are replaced by apps like Monday and Trello and Teamwork. Notebooks swap for task managers. Clutter disappears and productivity soars.
Topics: manual document filing, document scanning solutions, compliance, document management trends, document management, digital transformation
Quick show of hands; who loves rifling through stacks of large-format documents?
No one?
That is correct. No one likes sorting through piles of over-sized documents.
That's why digitizing paper documents has been a priority in the business world for the last 20-30 years. Digital documents make work life easier and more efficient. And when productivity soars, so do profits.
Here are some of the reasons why you need to get on the digitization bandwagon today: