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How the MES ViewScan Makes Your Life Easier

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 24, 2013 4:00:34 PM

If your business relies on microfilm to store your records, you probably spend a good portion of your time on tasks related to saving and maintaining these files. A tool that can help with this process would surely eliminate a lot of stress and work from your day.

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Topics: MES ViewScan, Film Scanners, microfilm

What to Look for in a Microfilm Scanner

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 23, 2013 4:00:34 PM

If your business needs a microfilm scanner, you have many choices available. But it’s important to pick the scanner that best meets your needs, while also providing the best value for your money. Since trying to figure out exactly which machine is right for you may be confusing, here are some things to look for:

Compatibility: You don’t want to have to buy several different machines, but you also don’t want to run into compatibility issues. Look for a machine that can read and save files from different types of formats: microfilm, microfiche and aperture cards, among others.

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Topics: Film Scanners, microfilm, microfilm scanner

We’re the Long-Time Leaders for Microfilming in Hamilton

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 22, 2013 4:00:16 PM

Many people assume that microfilming is an outdated process that has long since been replaced by more high-tech options. And while many companies have indeed transitioned to a digital system, for some businesses microfilming is still a necessary task. There are a variety of reasons why a business may use microfilm—satisfying legal requirements is usually the most common.

Whatever the reason, a business that relies on microfilm for its data storage needs a reliable provider to help with these needs.

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Topics: Microfilming Hamilton, microfilm

Departmental Scanners Can Meet High-Volume Demands

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 19, 2013 4:00:20 PM

If you need a machine that can keep up with the demands of a busy department, we may be able to suggest the perfect solution. Departmental scanners are designed to meet the needs of a hectic work environment. They deliver the perfect combination of speed and performance, so you might say they are the race cars of the office scanner fleet.

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Topics: departmental scanners, Scanners

Archiving Documents Can Be Easier Than You Think

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 18, 2013 4:00:00 PM

Does the thought of archiving your records make you break out in a sweat? If your staff threatens a revolt whenever you suggest an office organization project, you need a way to make the process simple and headache-free.

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Topics: Archive Writing, Records Management, Archiving Documents, Document Management and ECM

Your Best Choice for Document Management Software in Hamilton

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 17, 2013 4:00:13 PM

Looking for a system to help you organize and manage your digital records? That’s a smart move. These programs can help automate your records-related tasks and save you lots of time and effort—and can also make it easy to access, store and secure your important records.

FileBound is a popular choice for businesses seeking document management software in Hamilton. This program provides a cloud-based storage system, allowing you to access your files from anywhere. If you have a lot of existing files in paper format, that’s no problem—FileBound lets you scan those documents and add them to your digital records database.

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Topics: Document management software Hamilton, Document Management and ECM

Eliminate Headaches with an Online Document Management System

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 16, 2013 4:00:13 PM

As you probably already know all too well, records can often seem like an endless source of headaches. First, you need to find room (probably a lot of room) to store them. Then, of course you need to try and figure out a system for maintaining them and keeping them organized—as organized as possible, anyway. And you’ll face the constant challenges of trying to find what you need.

Fortunately, you don’t have to put up with these headaches any longer. There is a simple solution: you can transition to an online document management system.

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Topics: online document management, Document Management and ECM

Make the Right Choice for Microfilm Scanning Services in Hamilton

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 15, 2013 4:00:37 PM

If you need help transitioning your records system from a microfilm archive into a digital format, you may have started looking for a firm that handles this type of project. Well, there’s good news: we can make your search a lot easier. At MES, we specialize in microfilm scanning services in Hamilton. We’ve been providing these services to numerous clients in the local area for years (decades, actually).

We’ve refined and perfected our process over the years, so that we now have it down to an efficient system that allows us to make the experience as stress-free as possible for you. We start with a meeting where we find out exactly what you need and explain our process in detail. We will then review your information and come up with a plan, complete with specific recommendations of how we can help you.

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Topics: Film Scanners, microfilm, Microfilm scanning services Hamilton

High Speed Document Scanners: Designed to Keep Up with You

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 12, 2013 4:00:00 PM

If your office moves at top speed, you need equipment that can keep up with your pace. We all know how frustrating it can be to have to stop and wait for office machines to finish their task—especially when we have a lot of work to do.

Fortunately, there are machines that are specifically designed to function well in high-speed environments. These high speed document scanners can scan documents at impressive speeds. They are made for meeting the demands of high-volume offices, and have the durability it takes to withstand this level of production.

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Topics: Cloud Computing, document scanning, High Speed Document Scanners, Scanners, Document Management and ECM

Document Management Software: Records Made Simple

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 11, 2013 4:00:27 PM

Who says record management has to be difficult? Whoever they are, they obviously aren’t using the right system. The right document management software can make the process so easy, you will be amazed!

Document management software programs—such as FileBound—allow you to access important files with just a few pushes of your keyboard buttons. You can store, retrieve and share important files in an easy and secure manner. By letting you automate some of your most common office processes, the software boosts your productivity and saves you lots of time.

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Topics: document management software, Document Management and ECM

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