Who says record management has to be difficult? Whoever they are, they obviously aren’t using the right system. The right document management software can make the process so easy, you will be amazed!
Document management software programs—such as FileBound—allow you to access important files with just a few pushes of your keyboard buttons. You can store, retrieve and share important files in an easy and secure manner. By letting you automate some of your most common office processes, the software boosts your productivity and saves you lots of time.
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document management software,
Document Management and ECM
Your business probably relies on a number of scanners for important daily tasks. This machine allows you to store valuable records in a digital format, which is important for security reasons, and also for efficient operations.
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Cloud Computing,
wireless network scanners,
If you haven’t yet converted your paper files to a digital format, we can guess the reason for your reluctance. You probably fear that the transition process will be a hassle, a time-consuming ordeal that will disrupt your operations for quite a while.
The reality is actually just the opposite. We think you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy and headache-free the records scanning process can be. In fact, you will barely even have to give it a thought. That’s because we handle the entire process for you, leaving your staff free to focus on their normal workload.
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Records Management,
document scanning,
records scanning,
Document Management and ECM
If all of your files are currently in hard copy format (i.e. paper documents) and being stored onsite in your facility, you are at risk of serious trouble. A natural disaster, fire, theft or a number of other unexpected disasters can result in the loss or destruction of files. That’s probably one of the worst scenarios any business can face.
Your records contain valuable information and likely cannot be replaced. Keeping them in paper format without any backup is a risky move.
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document scanning
For decades, companies have relied on microfilming technologies to preserve their important documents. However, today’s digital world has brought the future of microfilming to a crossroads. Newer, more affordable and easy-to-use alternatives have caused many businesses to reassess their options.
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MES Hybrid Document Systems,
You probably already know about all of the advantages of maintaining records in digital format: it saves space, lets you access information quickly and makes it much easier to share records.
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document scanning,
document scanning equipment
If you’ve been contemplating what to do with your archive of microfilm files—but haven’t actually gotten around to doing anything yet—don’t wait any longer. Now is the time to act, before it’s too late. There are many changes happening in the microfilm industry, which may make it more difficult and expensive to maintain and expand a microfilm archive.
This should give you the nudge you need to get moving and start transitioning to a more modern document management system. Digital files are much more convenient, easy to store and share.
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Microfilm scanning
If the thought of maintaining your business records seems overwhelming, we totally understand. Not long ago, records management consisted of trying to keep a bunch of scattered files and documents in a somewhat orderly system. Just trying to keep track of all of the files and papers—which may have been created or filed by many different people, each with their own particular system—could be quite a challenge.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were an easy way to get all of this stuff under control? That’s where we can help. We are experts at document management in Hamilton. We can convert all of your files to digital format (if they aren’t already) and then set you up with a software system that lets you manage your files easily on your own.
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Document management Hamilton,
Document Management and ECM
Think about your archive of records for a moment. Does it give you anxiety just to think about rooting through all of those files? If so, your archive probably consists of many files and stacks of papers that are likely stored in towers of boxes with little or no organizational system. And you may even have a variety of different types of data formats, including microfilm, faded papers and maybe even some fax paper that has long since started to curl and fade.
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document scanning,
Document scanning Markham
Considering using network scanners for your Hamilton business? Many other businesses have made that same decision. Network scanners offer several benefits, including:
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network scanners Hamilton