Kristen Bowers

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Integrating SAP with DocuWare for Digital Archiving

Posted by Kristen Bowers on Nov 8, 2018 7:47:37 AM

SAP software has been an essential part of many businesses for over 20 years. What started as a typical effort to improve efficiency has resulted in a company—and software—that has become critical to keeping businesses organized. Thanks to SAP software, like their Enterprise Resource Planning tools and other innovations like the Netweaver Application Server, many different types of companies now benefit from a more streamlined system for handling operations, finances, and other essential business activities.

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Topics: DocuWare, digital transformation

How Digital Transformation is Your Path to Efficiency

Posted by Kristen Bowers on Oct 23, 2018 10:28:00 AM

Depending on the age and practices of a business, there may be a few paper records sitting around in a file or a filing cabinet. Or there may be an entire section of a corporate building dedicated to physical archive storage, with documents going back decades and all carefully preserved. In some cases, such materials may even be offloaded to a third-party vendor for storage if the office space is necessary, but so is preserving the documents. That is where digital document management can play an important role.

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Topics: digital transformation

Are You Savvy about Invoice Processing Automation?

Posted by Kristen Bowers on Oct 22, 2018 12:33:00 PM

Profits keep a business alive, and invoices are an integral part of maintaining a company's operations. Without the ability to efficiently issue and collect invoices, as well as have them quickly available for reference for financial, planning, and tax purposes, most business wouldn't be able to function for very long.

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Topics: invoice processing

5 Tips to Save Time with Document Management Software

Posted by Kristen Bowers on Oct 19, 2018 9:45:00 AM

Very few businesses in Canada manage to operate without some kind of documentation. There may be financial transactions that need to be archived, invoices issued, reports written and submitted, or even expense account entries that need to be reviewed, approved, and processed. Whatever the case, most businesses generate a lot of documents that need to be preserved and accessed. Document management software is an essential solution to keep things in order and here's why.

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Topics: document management software, document management

4 Innovations That Are Revolutionizing Document Management Software

Posted by Kristen Bowers on Oct 18, 2018 5:04:56 PM

We’ve come a long way from documents needing to be organized and accessible strictly in the physical sense. While there will be a need for filing cabinets, shelves, and archival storage rooms for actual, printed matter, it's not always necessary for every single document. Document management software has stepped in to help ease the sheer overflow of data, but even here, the software itself continues to improve. Here are some of the changes that are helping to make this useful software even better for businesses.

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Topics: document management software, document management

How to Conquer Business Process Automation with ECM Software

Posted by Kristen Bowers on Sep 14, 2018 8:13:00 AM

According to a recent study, over 80 percent of organizations feel that a digital transformation is necessary to prevent upcoming disruptions to their business models. One of the main keys to digital transformation is adopting business process automation, but not everybody knows how to get started with this. Today you'll learn how enterprise content management (ECM) software can help you tackle business process automation and help you safeguard your organization against future disruptions.

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Topics: ECM Sotware, business process automation

How to Achieve Buy-In for Invoice Processing Automation

Posted by Kristen Bowers on Sep 12, 2018 3:13:00 PM

Can you imagine what it would be like if all business correspondences—both internal and external—still took place via snail mail? Not only would your offices be overrun with even more paperwork, but communication and decision-making would also take at least three times as long. It seems silly to even consider that organizations would still be using such an antiquated communication method in a modern workplace when there are far better and more efficient options out there, right?

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Topics: accounts payable, invoice automation

5 Ways to Reduce Operating Costs with Document Management

Posted by Kristen Bowers on Sep 10, 2018 7:30:28 AM

Effective and efficient document management in the twenty-first century necessarily means digitizing and automating processes, but not all organizations are on board with this. In fact, many are still using manual business processes, and there are many ways you can cut operational costs by adopting a digital document management strategy instead.

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Topics: document management

How to Conquer the Biggest Challenges to Invoice Automation

Posted by Kristen Bowers on Aug 28, 2018 1:54:00 PM

Invoice automation can be a complicated process given that you'll have to learn how to employ it as well as understand its terminology. Some companies fail to understand the different invoice automation solutions that exist or are satisfied with their current invoice processes as long as they function. Others also don't have the IT staff capable of conducting it. However, the benefits are extraordinary and worth looking into. Your organization can automate each step of the invoicing procedure include invoice scanning, data capture, processing, and payment, helping it grow without the need to add staff. Here's how your company can conquer invoice automation and make it a useful tool.  

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Topics: office automation, accounts payable, invoice automation

Key Features Your ECM Software Must Deliver

Posted by Kristen Bowers on Aug 27, 2018 10:05:00 AM

Enterprise content management (ECM) is a vital tool to employ when your organization is seeking the most efficient document management setup possible. With so many systems available, choosing the best one that can manage your increasing volume of documentation can be a challenge. Finding ECM software that is affordable while also meeting everyday demands is critical, and these features should take precedence when you explore your options. 

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Topics: ECM, ECM Sotware

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