A digital document management system is incredibly powerful for HR departments. Countless paper and digital resumes, reference letters, offers of employment, employee records and benefits schedules pass through your HR department every day, and they must be organized for later retrieval. Rather than having your HR staff sort, file and manually retrieve the paperwork they need to perform their jobs correctly, why not opt for an HR document management system instead?
Could Your Company Benefit From HR Document Management?
Overcoming Obstacles When Implementing an Electronic Document Management System
Electronic document management is undeniably the way of the future, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be barriers to implementation and use. Whether or not your staff are willing to let go of their old routine and try something new may not be the only objection you hear when announcing your change to electronic document management systems. Some of the most common objections to this change appear over and over again, so consider these obstacles and how to overcome them.
Save Labor Costs with a Digital Records and Information Management System
If your organization is currently paying employees to create, file, organize and manage paper records, you’re likely wasting valuable resources and money. It is possible to cut back on your labor costs by investing in a comprehensive digital records and information management system that streamlines your processes and makes your employees more efficient.
Topics: digital records, information management
How Damaged is Too Damaged for a Microfilm Scanner?
Over time, microfilm and microfiche collections can become almost unreadable due to improper storage conditions. Poor storage of microfilm can result in the growth of fungus, redox, and other lasting damaging effects. Aside from damage that occurs due to natural aging and improper storage conditions, there’s no telling when a fire, flood, earthquake or even something as simple as a spilled cup of coffee could damage your microfilm collection.
Topics: microfilm, Microfilm scanning
After your documents are digitized by our team at MES Document Hybrid Systems, you may be wondering what’s next. Yes, these documents are now digital, safe in your backups and computer hardware, and easier to access than ever before, but did you know you can also make them interactive? DocuWare is MES’s first choice for document management software. Correctly managing your digital files can be difficult, especially with multiple users accessing them on a daily basis. Instead, a document management software makes it easy to ensure that everything is in the right place, at the right time, and easy to access when you need it.
Topics: Document Management and ECM
Whether you have a single file cabinet of aging documents or a warehouse full, keeping these items safe is always a priority. In the age of digitization, document scanning procedures seem like a good idea, but the thought of handling and scanning fragile paper documents may seem like an easy invitation to damage these important documents. How to scan old documents without damaging may sound nearly impossible, but here at MES Hybrid Document Systems we take this role very seriously.
Topics: document scanning
How to Ensure Document Privacy When Hiring A Document Scanning Company
Document privacy is of great concern for most organizations. When it comes to your important records, you can never be too careful. It’s important that your personal and confidential business information does not fall into the wrong hands. In fact, that’s likely the reason you are hiring a document scanning company to digitize your documents. When your information is digitized, not only will it become easier to access, it will be much more secure than your existing paper files.
Topics: document scanning
4 Unique Benefits of Interactive Document Software
Interactive document software is the next logical step to peruse after you digitize your document. Being able to interact with your image, not having it as just an image, can make your job incredibly easier. Consider these unique benefits of interactive document software, and learn why so many people already choose to use this revolutionary system.
Questions to Ask When Choosing a Document Scanning Company
When you choose to work with a document scanning vendor, there are a variety of things you need to consider. The safety and security of your documents will always be a priority, but so too are things like vendor quality control, accountability, professional certifications and clearances. It’s not just enough for a potential vendor to say that they’re able to do a high quality job, but be able to prove it.
Topics: document scanning, questions to ask
How to Know When It's Time to Upgrade Your Shared Network Drive
One of the most common document sharing solutions businesses across North America make use of is the shared network drive. For many organizations, a shared drive acts as a simple storage space for employees to keep their documents and share them with coworkers. However, for many employees, your company’s network drive may actually be a source of frustration that hinders their productivity. The following are some of the top signs that your shared network drive is simply not cutting it as a way to organize and manage your documents:
Topics: network drive