Electronic medical records (EMRs) have been in use for many years, and many medical organizations have found them pretty useful. Thanks to rapid advances in the applications of this technology, 2015 will be a little different. For the new year, the importance of electronic medical records mandates their use. Here is why:
The Importance of Electronic Medical Records in 2015
Document Scanner Reviews for 2015: What to Expect
Although document scanners have been important pieces of office technology for decades, they are more critical than ever right now. Instead of overwhelming office spaces and budgets with a deluge of paper, organizations are converting documents to digital files by scanning them. This means that your scanner choice can no longer be arbitrary.
Topics: Scanners
Switching to electronic records is a must. It will help your organization save money and allow you to operate much more efficiently. But what about the paper documentation that you have right now? Fortunately, you can take these into the digital era with you by simply having them scanned. However, you will probably have a whole lot of paper to convert to digital, so you need to choose the most effective professional scanning solutions in order to prevent this process from becoming a burden.
Topics: Scanners
Transferring all of your paper documentation to digital is a huge step towards enhancing the efficiency of your organization. However, you still need to have a way to convert your future paper documents to digital without any hassle. In other words, you need a good document scanner. There are so many scanners out there that it can be difficult to determine which one is best for your organization. Fortunately, there are a few scanners that stand out. Let's take a look at the best document scanners for 2015.
Topics: Scanners
Being able to effectively manage your records is one of the most important elements of running a business. Without properly managed records, you could not effectively keep track of anything, and your organization would be poorly run as a result. That being said, modern technology is significantly changing how we are able to manage our records; let's take a look some of the records management trends that you will see in 2015.
No matter what industry your company operates in, filling out, filing, copying, distributing and retrieving paperwork will be a requirement. This is a tedious set of tasks that nobody likes, no matter how important it is. Thanks to the necessity of paperwork, you can lose track of how much you are compiling, and you -- or your office -- can quickly become overwhelmed by packets, folders and files of paper. So when is enough enough? We are going to take a look at when you simply have too much paper, and what proactive solutions you can take to prevent paper-induced clutter from ever occurring in your office again.
Topics: paperless office
The information superhighway surrounds us. A miasma of wireless signals float around us to transfer data in an instant; your company needs to use this access to improve its workforce mobility.
A high level of workforce mobility is paramount for your company's growth. Not only does it allow your organization to operate more efficiently, but it keeps your employees happy (this is especially true for the burgeoning generation Y workforce, which has a 70% turnover rate within the first two years at a company). That being said, here are four ways to improve your company's workforce mobility:
Advancements in technology, coupled with the demands of business, have resulted in an increasingly mobile workforce. A rise in remote workers, as well as employees who are constantly out of the office developing business and meeting clients, has created a need to ease collaboration and resource-sharing among people working in different locations. Here are a number of ways that your organization can respond to the needs of your mobile workforce, in order to equip them with the tools they need to be successful.
Topics: workforce mobility
Office moving is infinitely more complex than a typical home move. The coordination of people, moving companies, property managers, and more are all top-of-mind, and it can be quite a daunting task that is peppered with snags and complications. In order to avoid the headache, there are some steps you can take that will make planning an office move easier. Here are a few that you should consider before making the transition to your new office space.
Employers and employees alike are seeing the value of going green in the workplace. Green initiatives are proving to be not only beneficial to the environment, but also to the bottom line. It’s the type of win-win situation that is rare in the business world, and as such companies are increasingly searching for ways to become more eco-friendly. Here are a number of green initiatives and methods your company can implement to encourage everyone in your employ to go green in the workplace.
Topics: going green