One of the biggest qualms 21st century organizations face is what to do with all of their digital data. Much of it is important, so it cannot be deleted, but too much data can overwhelm internal systems, slowing down computers and leaving little room for new data. That is why you need to seek out a good long term digital storage solution. But where do you look? Let's take a look at the best long term digital storage solutions out there.
Topics: records storage, digital storage
Correctly managing your internal documentation is important, not just for your company's own records, but also for the government. Even if you have been engaging in proper records management practices under the law for decades, you won't be following the law if you do the same things this year that you have been doing for years. This is due to the fact that government legislation can cause governmental requirements to quickly change. Canada, specifically, has made some huge changes in its records management legislation in recent years. To make sure that your records management practices are on point for the near future, we are going to discuss seven ways that records management legislation is changing.
Topics: Records Management
Best Practices for Archives and Records Management for Libraries
The successful operation of a library is founded upon the ability to be able to effectively manage and archive a large set of records. Doing this the right way, however, is not as simple as snapping your fingers; in order to effectively archive your records and manage them, you have to look beyond simply placing them in alphabetical order. Here are the three best practices that you should take heed of when engaging in your archives and records management duties.
Topics: Library Scanners, library scanning, Microfilm Scanning Services, Microfiche Scanners
Child Protection Information Network: Helping Children's Aid Societies Go Digital
Children's aid societies like yours are critical organizations for making sure that all children are well taken care of. In order to take better care of our children, constant improvements are needed. One of the most effective ways to improve a children's aid society's capabilities is with better data management.
Topics: child protection information network, CPIN, child care modernization
Libraries manage a lot of documentation. In fact, a library can have so much documentation to manage that even the best run library can have a tough time keeping up with it. As you try to make room for new scholarly articles, news reports and other documents -- which flood your library every single day -- the management of your archived data can seem completely untenable. Fortunately, you do not have to add a whole new wing to your library just for your latest round of archived documents. This is all thanks to the wonders of modern technology. Here is what you should do:
Topics: document archiving, Archiving Documents, archiving documents in Ontario
How to Use Automated Workflows: A Sneak Peek of Our Upcoming Webinar
The numerous benefits of automation can significantly enhance the efficiency of all of your company's workflow processes. In order to effectively integrate automation into your workflow processes, you need to understand how to do it in the first place. That being said, here is how to use automated workflows:
Topics: Workflow, automated workflows
How Document Management Workflows Can Save You Time and Money
Chances are that you already have some sort of system in place for your document management endeavors. If you are not using a clearly defined document management workflow, however, then your business is missing out. This is because document management workflows save organizations like yours a lot of time and money.
Topics: Workflow, Document Management and ECM
Why Your Business Should be Using Automated Workflows
If you have already made the switch from paper documents to digital ones, then you are already benefiting from the modern tech boom. However, in order to take full advantage of modern technology, you must automate your workflows. Let's take a look at why:
Topics: Workflow, document workflows, automated workflows
5 Record Retention Best Practices to Help Save Time
Your records should help you do business, not get in the way. However, if your record retention practices are not up to par, then you will end up wasting a lot of time. Fortunately, getting your record retention practices in order is not very hard if you know what steps to take. That being said, here are five record retention best practices that will help you save a whole lot of time:
Topics: records retention
5 Long Term Data Preservation and Storage Solutions
As important documentation piles up, the importance of high volume storage solutions increases. Here are five excellent solutions to manage your data for the long term:
Topics: records storage