Simplify School Operations: The Power of Student Record Management Systems

Posted by MESHDS on Oct 26, 2023 8:00:00 AM


Student record management systems simplify educational facility workflows and help create overall administrative efficiency. Creating a centralized, organized student data repository allows educators and administrators to store, track, and access student records without the inefficiency of paper. As a result, time-consuming, error-prone manual record management is eliminated. Here we explain why digitizing student records is critical for today’s academic institutions and explore how digitization streamlines student record management efficiency from enrollment to post-graduation.

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Responsive Business: Accelerating Invoice Processing Time for Agile Operations

Posted by MESHDS on Sep 15, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Invoice processing is critical to your business, ensuring your invoices are paid promptly. It fosters a responsive and agile business environment where you maintain healthy cash flow to make better decisions, optimize resource allocation, and enhance your overall business agility. Here, we explain how accounts payable automation helps accelerate your invoice processing time to become a more responsive business with agile operations.

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The Benefits of Healthcare Document Management in Improving Patient Care

Posted by MESHDS on Aug 28, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Traditional paper-based document management systems present ongoing challenges in the healthcare industry. Whether it is accessing patient records, sharing information, or avoiding errors and delays in critical healthcare processes, your facility must ensure that patient records are secure, accurate, and available immediately. An electronic healthcare document management system is the best solution to overcome common patient record issues. Here we look at the benefits of using transformative technology solutions to update your healthcare document management and significantly improve the level of care you offer patients.

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Mastering Document Management Workflow: Proven Tips & Best Practices

Posted by MESHDS on Aug 9, 2023 8:00:00 AM


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Digitization of Microfilm for Enhanced Document Management

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 26, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Digitization provides an equal playing field for all the document formats your business uses in your day-to-day operations. As a result, your team becomes more efficient with an enhanced document management system. However, many companies don’t realize that digitization is not limited to paper documents. It also includes microfilm conversion. 

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Maximizing Cost Efficiency: The Power of AP Workflow Optimization

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 12, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Your organization needs to achieve AP (Accounts Payable) workflow optimization if you want to maximize cost efficiency. As a result, you need a strategy that introduces techniques and technologies that streamline your AP workflow and reduce unnecessary costs. However, if you still rely on an outdated manual process or a less-than-perfect combination of paper and digital AP documents, it’s impossible to achieve your goals. Here we offer a comprehensive guide to help you realize the cost-saving potential of optimized AP by introducing faster processing times, reduced late payment penalties, improved cash flow management, and enhanced vendor relationships.

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Compliance Made Simple: The Magic of Document Management Systems

Posted by MESHDS on Jul 5, 2023 8:00:00 AM


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Boosting Productivity with OCR Software: Unlocking the Potential of Text Recognition

Posted by MESHDS on Jun 20, 2023 8:00:00 AM

If your company is still trying to find a balance between digital and paper document management, you can be sure your team is wasting time on manual tasks. Although you’re not the only organization finding themselves in this situation, most companies have faced their time of reckoning and are at some stage in their transition to digital document management. If the idea seems overwhelming, there are four common digitization solutions to make life easier:

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Document Security: Protecting Your Business with Electronic Document Management System

Posted by MESHDS on May 24, 2023 8:00:00 AM


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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Shared Documents

Posted by MESHDS on May 10, 2023 11:00:00 AM

In a world of remote work, a fast-changing business landscape, and customers who expect the world in the shortest amount of time, using paper-based processes is no longer a feasible option for your business.

Working with paper is like carrying around a cumbersome backpack crammed with a load of documents. Searching for a specific document from it is a frustrating experience—it takes time, and you may not eventually find what you need. Moreover, if you forget to carry a particular document in that backpack, you won't be able to get work done.

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