Document management isn’t just a matter of convenience for your office—it can have a significant impact on the way you do business, something your customers will notice and appreciate. It’s hard to understate the importance of good customer service, regardless of industry or field, due to how intrinsically tied it is to your reputation—and how easily a minor headache or delay can send a dissatisfied customer to complain online.
Scott Kimura

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Improve Your Customer Service with Document Management
Topics: Document Management and ECM
If you employ Microsoft Windows as an operating system, then you’re probably quite aware of the resources the system uses to index files so that the proprietary File Explorer can retrieve searches when you need them. For many of the same reasons, indexing files across your enterprise is a similarly complicated task – but the primary benefit of eliminating your dependence on paper and storage is worth it many times over.
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Too Much Paper? 5 Easy Ways To Go Almost Paperless
Are you using too much paper at the office? If you haven’t gone digital yet, chances are you’re engaging in the waste of this precious resource. The good news is a couple changes can be introduced to end the practice, increase effectiveness and save a lot of money.
Here are top five ways to stop wasting too much paper.
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How Medical Document Scanning Works for Hospitals and Clinics
Keeping up with technological advances helps your hospital or clinic stay at the forefront of its industry. Making the switch from piles of paper records to electronics is naturally part of this process. Although, it might seem like a difficult task when you have large amounts of paper documents to deal with, it doesn’t have to be a hassle. By using a medical document scanning service, you can have professionals get you set up and take care of everything for you. Here’s how it works:
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The sheer thought of moving an office gives most people uncomfortable feelings especially if your office relies on printed material. The mass of paper saved over the years means lifting, hauling and finding room for all of those stacks and files. Your back hurts just thinking about it.
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Records Management Legislation For Small Businesses
Records management is a crucial component of every business. From employee files and time cards to contracts and insurance forms, there's a lot to keep track of. However, records management isn't just something you should do; in many cases, it's something you must do.
Legal requirements apply to many kinds of records, making it imperative for you to keep the best records you can. Here are three ways that records management legislation impacts your business.
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A Human Resources Records Retention Plan Will Clear Up Overflowing Filing Cabinets
The quality of a company's human resources record retention is a powerful barometer of how efficiently the company handles information in general. Without a solid plan of action, your company may not be up to regulatory standards, be safe from hackers, or be trusted by potential customers.
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The Technology Advantages That Come With Digitizing Documents
When you're looking to modernize your business, there is no better way than by digitizing your documents. Digital documents are undiniably the way of the future, as more and more businesses now rely heavily on computer, tablet, and mobile technology to run their businesses. Though these new documents will be immediately digital, it is important that all historic documents are kept in the same form. There are multiple reasons why this is important, but the technology advances that come with it are the most relevant.
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In the world of data storage, there isn’t a universal solution that will do the trick for every single organization out there. Picking the right option depends on carefully evaluating the company’s data storage needs and understanding the different products.
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How to Make the Change to Paperless Medical Records While Maintaining Confidentiality
With the advances in modern technology, more hospitals and clinics are eliminating clutter, and opting for a paperless management system. Implementing paperless medical records in a busy medical practice can save time in billing, streamline office tasks, and free up needed storage space. Although the benefits of a paperless practice are clear, not all healthcare professionals have the resources available to begin the process. The choice to go paperless is both environmentally friendly and cost-effective in comparison with storing and accessing various patient files.
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