If there is one truth of business that you can count on, it is that you will generate a huge amount of documentation. Whether you are maintaining billing statements, shipping manifests or tax records you will eventually run up against the fact that there is a limit to your capacity to maintain these records. Countless man hours are spent sorting, collating, relocating and purging these documents. It may seem that there is no other way to keep reliable records than heavy filing cabinets and countless long boxes practically bursting from the ever-growing surge of documents straining against their capacity.
Topics: Document Management and ECM
How to Integrate a Document Management System into Your Business System
Choosing the right document management system for seamless integration and enhanced productivity isn’t the easiest task out there. With so many possibilities to pick among, company owners and data managers may find it difficult to come up with an adequate selection.
Topics: Document Management and ECM
How to Successfully Transition to an Automated Document Management System
You don’t have to be around a busy office for long to understand the importance of an automated document management system to the smooth functioning of the business. Team collaboration projects and data mining are more prevalent than ever before; especially given the lack of geographical restrictions. Document management is a modern way to ensure corporate productivity – as long as your chosen platform is robust and can handle the day-to-day load.
Topics: Document Management and ECM
7 Signs it’s Time to Break Up with Your Document Management Service Provider
Two thirds of IT executives are currently hunting down better document management initiatives, but despite their attempts to consolidate, corporations are using more silos than ever before. This points to a state of chaos in the document management industry. Your service provider needs to be thrown to the curb if:
Topics: Document Management and ECM
5 Important Requirements in Your Document Management System
There are a lot of document management systems on the market and not all are created equal. Whether you are looking to implement a new system from scratch or wondering what other options are available, you need to know which features are too important to live without. When managing a team of tens or even hundreds of employees, the right system that will allow your team to work effectively and without problems becomes even more important.
Topics: Document Management and ECM
The Hidden Costs of an Inefficient Document Management System
No business wants ineffective systems, especially when they can result in a loss of finances, productive working hours, and other harmful effects. Inefficient document management contributes to obvious expenses, such as the costs related to filing and storing paper documents. But a cumbersome process could also result in less-obvious opportunity costs, such as the loss of discounts, difficulty communicating with vendors and more. An inefficient document management system can end up doing incredible harm to your company, and the problems it creates may work from the inside to the outside of your business.
Topics: DocuWare, Document Management and ECM
The Challenges of Document Management in a Paper Based Office
If you’re still working in a paper based office, you may have no idea how much lost time and money is spent dealing with physical paperwork. There are many challenges that come with maintaining a paper based office, that may be well hidden or incorporated into the everyday culture of the office space. Consider the following operational issues, do these sound like you?
Topics: Document Management and ECM
Could Your Company Benefit From HR Document Management?
A digital document management system is incredibly powerful for HR departments. Countless paper and digital resumes, reference letters, offers of employment, employee records and benefits schedules pass through your HR department every day, and they must be organized for later retrieval. Rather than having your HR staff sort, file and manually retrieve the paperwork they need to perform their jobs correctly, why not opt for an HR document management system instead?
After your documents are digitized by our team at MES Document Hybrid Systems, you may be wondering what’s next. Yes, these documents are now digital, safe in your backups and computer hardware, and easier to access than ever before, but did you know you can also make them interactive? DocuWare is MES’s first choice for document management software. Correctly managing your digital files can be difficult, especially with multiple users accessing them on a daily basis. Instead, a document management software makes it easy to ensure that everything is in the right place, at the right time, and easy to access when you need it.
Topics: Document Management and ECM
4 Unique Benefits of Interactive Document Software
Interactive document software is the next logical step to peruse after you digitize your document. Being able to interact with your image, not having it as just an image, can make your job incredibly easier. Consider these unique benefits of interactive document software, and learn why so many people already choose to use this revolutionary system.