MES Hybrid Document Systems is Canada's leading microfilm scanning services company. If you need someone to handle microfilm scanning in Ontario, we want to be your top choice.
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Topics: Film Scanners, microfilm, microfilm scanning in Ontario
Many offices today have gone wireless, with teams and staff members operating on a network (perhaps from remote or spread out locations). That means the need for office machines that work on the wireless network.
Document Scanning: How to Get the Best Solution for Your Application [VIDEO]
Growing in popularity over the years, document scanning is quickly becoming a mainstay in all types of organizations. This increased pervasiveness creates a more competitive landscape. Businesses have access to more innovative features at lower costs.
Document Management Solutions: Top Reasons for Adopting Digital Records [VIDEO]
Primarily, document management solutions improve the way your business manages its records. You could transform your business by eliminating paper. Or, you could enhance your existing digital records and associated processes.
Topics: MES Hybrid Document Systems, document management solutions, Document Management and ECM
Top 4 benefits to electronically archiving documents
Topics: Archive Writing, Archiving Documents, Document Management and ECM
Microfilming is a method of storing data onto film. It has been used for many years and has many advantages in many arenas. Some of the advantages are that you will never need software or hardware updates, all you need is a light source and magnifier to view them, they cannot be changed or tampered with and you can store many copies in multiple places.
Topics: microfilm, microfilming
Document scanning is the process of scanning all paper documents into a digital format. Once the documents are scanned they can be electronically archived on a hard drive, CD or DVD, online database or program, etc. Outsourcing this work can be very beneficial simply due to the amount of time it takes to scan and organize all of your businesses documents.
Topics: document scanning
Keep Up with the Times with Document Management Solutions
Our world today is evolving at a rapid pace; the technology you bought 2 years ago is already out of date and half the price. People have moved from sending cards and letters in the mail, to sending messages over email, to sending quick texts, Tweets or Facebook postings. In order for your business to be successful it is important to keep up with our ever-changing society. One of the easiest ways to do that is to trust MES Hybrid Document Systems to provide you with document management solutions.
Topics: document management solutions, Document Management and ECM
Microfilming and micrographics come with many benefits: your information is safe and invulnerable to changes; it is cheaper, simpler and can preserve your information forever.
Topics: microfilm, microfilming
Records Scanning Service: Turning Paper Mountains into Digital Molehills [VIDEO]
By using records scanning services and converting paper documents to digital files, organizations drastically improve office efficiency. Users can access and share documents in a snap.
Topics: MES Hybrid Document Systems, Records Management, Records Scanning Service