3 Things About Electronic Records You May Not Have Known

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Jun 24, 2014 11:52:00 AM

In the digital age, analog records are quickly becoming obsolete. This doesn’t mean that paper records need to be completely eliminated, but rather that as remote workforces, digital communication and distribution, and a higher volume of data creation become the norm, analog formats are less and less practical. Put simply, electronic document management is the way of the future.

If you’re new to the inner workings of document management systems, it’s unlikely that you have a comprehensive understanding of electronic records, what they entail, and how they ultimately help improve business operations. To offer some insight into this, we’ve compiled a list of things you may not have known about electronic records.

Electronic Records exist in multiple formats

A common misunderstanding is that electronic records are simply paper documents that have been converted into digital files. While this is not untrue, it is an oversimplification. Electronic records do consist of converted paper files, but also include many, many other types of formats: microfilm, microfiche, images, cheques, non-standard documents, etc. Depending on the sophistication of the conversion equipment being used, almost any kind of document can be converted into electronic format, regardless of the source.

They are perfectly acceptable for legal compliance*

In Canada, businesses, trusts, and organizations are required to keep adequate records that provide enough details to determine tax obligations and entitlements for a period of six years. However, they do not have to be paper: electronic records are perfectly acceptable. In fact, because electronic document management is more efficient, particularly with a document management system, legal compliance and document retention becomes more accurate and easier to manage.

Electronic Records can be more effectively controlled

Physical records (namely paper) have a number of issues: cost, susceptibility to misplacement, limited indexing and classification ability, poor retrieval and search functionality, and general disorganization. If you choose to go with electronic records that are integrated within an electronic document management system, your organization will no longer face these problems. Every document is traceable, indexable, easily classified, and can even be included in automated workflows so that error-prone, time intensive manual processes are eliminated. This allows for the setting up of functions such as retention rules, security and access controls, DRM, seamless information sharing and collaboration, and more.

The above are a few aspects of electronic records that aren’t widely known, but nonetheless convey why electronic record management systems are becoming so popular for businesses of different sizes in different industries. The right solution can significantly improve records management processes, which can help both directly and indirectly improve other business areas.


*Note: The information provided in the MES blog is not legal advice as we are not lawyers. Please reference the Canadian Standard Document and your legal counsel to ensure that your electronic documents are legal.

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Topics: Records Management, Electronic Records

How Paperless Invoices Can Improve Your Customer Service

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Jun 19, 2014 2:38:00 PM

The benefits of paperless billing are often viewed from the perspective of the business itself – how it will reduce costs, eliminate invoicing and payment issues that waste time and resources, and so on. The environmental benefits of paperless invoicing are also talked about widely, with companies more cognizant of their carbon footprint than they were in the past.

A less commonly discussed benefit of paperless invoicing is how it has the potential to significantly improve your customer service. This is just as important (if not more so) than the direct benefits to the business itself and the environmental advantages: after all, unhappy customers don’t remain customers for very long. If your organization is considering making the transition to paperless invoicing, here are some the customer service benefits that can help make the decision that much easier.

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Topics: paperless office

4 Small Changes that Will Make A Big Difference With Your File Management

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Jun 17, 2014 1:30:00 PM

File management isn’t given the attention it deserves by businesses, whether small companies or large enterprise organizations. Most don’t even question their entrenched file management practices, paying little mind to the inefficiencies inherent in physical filing cabinets or disorganized shared drives. But, consider the following:

  • The average worker spends 40% of their time simply looking for the information they need to do their job.
  • It costs $25,000 to fill a four drawer filing cabinet.
  • Poor file management systems result in misplaced documents – and the average cost to find a single misfiled document is $120.
Being aware of the costs associated with sloppy file management practices tends to prompt a reevaluation of current processes. Luckily, to improve your file management system, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Here are 4 small changes you can make that can really impact your file management.
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Topics: file management software

The 3 Best Ways for Business Records Storage

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Jun 12, 2014 3:45:00 PM

Business records are of paramount importance: they are crucial for compliance and tax obligations, and provide a frame of reference for your organization as you progress. There is also the fact that business records must be kept by law, and failure to do so can result in costly repercussions. 

However, it is not merely the act of keeping records that is important. A business must also do so efficiently, in order to avoid wasted resources, lost records, lapses in organization, and a myriad of other issues. That’s why an effective business records storage solution is so pivotal. Your business storage should not only curtail the mountain of paper in your office, but it should also offer security, enable easy access to specific documents for employees who need it, and also reduce the administrative time it takes to file, organize and search for business records.

Below are 3 business records storage solutions that can help you save time, money, and ensure you keep records with pinpoint accuracy.

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Topics: paperless office, physical records management, paper records management

3 Ways to Improve Your Paper Records Management

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Jun 10, 2014 2:29:00 PM

Did you know that the average employee spends up to 40% of their time simply searching for the information they need to do their jobs? That’s a lot of time (and money) that could be allocated towards tasks that help improve business performance.

Often, this wasted time is a result of poor paper records management. When employees need to dig through a large inventory of physical files, can’t recall if the document was born analog or digitally, or otherwise have issues locating certain records, this is an indication that your current paper records management system is sorely inefficient.

However, implementing certain changes can help to significantly improve your paper records management, so that every person in your organization spends less time searching for documents and more time attending to role-critical functions. Here are 3 ways that you can improve your paper records management to increase the efficiency of your business.

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Topics: paperless office, physical records management, paper records management

How Going Paperless Can Help You Manage Business Processes

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Jun 5, 2014 2:29:00 PM

Going Paperless

Why go paperless? Apart from the environmental value, going paperless is an efficient way to streamline your manual paper-based processes, saving you time and money and also improving the management of business processes. To put it simply, paperless document management allows your business to complete and process more work – with fewer resources. Below are a few on the key areas of your business that can benefit from going paperless. 

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Topics: paper scanning, paperless office

How to Digitize Your Library on a Budget

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Jun 3, 2014 9:47:00 AM

Digitization of Library Systems and ServicesIntegrated library systems that provide quick, convenient access to myriad resources are the way of the future. Indeed, the transition is already taking place. Digitization of library resources is the goal institutions are aiming for to maintain their status as centres of knowledge and information in the digital age.

The digitization of library systems and services is no small feat. It requires format transitions for a variety of items, from books to manuscripts, historical information to microfilm, newspaper collections and beyond. It also means the development and implementation of online databases for improved information sharing and distribution. Such a transition can come with quite the price tag. 

However, developing a fully digitized, integrated library system doesn’t have to break the budget. Here are some steps you can take to digitize your library on a budget.

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Topics: library, libraries, digitizing library

How Library Systems and Services are Changing in the Digital Age

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on May 29, 2014 1:30:00 PM

A simple truth about digital technology is that it is transforming the ways that library systems and services operate. Not only is technology itself advancing, but the expectations of users are also changing; today, people expect to be able to access all manner of information digitally.

Analog documents – books, newspapers, microfilm, microfiche, town records, historic information – are still important, but there is a recognized need to have them digitized in order to improve access and availability. And documents are not the only things being affected by the digital age. Increasingly, libraries and other informational institutions are rethinking the ways they provide services to their clientele. Below are some of the bigger transformations library systems and services are experiencing in the age of digital media.

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Topics: libraries, library scanning, digitizing library

3 Tips to Catapult Your Library into the Digital Age

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on May 15, 2014 1:00:00 PM

With the internet surpassing other media as the primary source of information, digitization has become an increasingly salient topic. The ability to access information digitally is no longer a novelty ­– it is expected. Take for example the Google Books Library Project, in which Google is working with several major libraries and educational institutions (including Stanford University) to digitize library resources and create a vast digital library.

The trend isn’t ephemeral. The push towards the digitization of library resources and other sources of information will only accelerate. As Guy Berthiaume (who will become the new head of Library and Archives Canada on June 23) points out, libraries are in the process of reinventing themselves. He believes that digital technology is not threatening the place of libraries as centres of knowledge; rather, it should be embraced and leveraged to improve the availability of information and how people access it.

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Topics: Library Scanners, library, libraries, library scanning

IIMDA Spring 2014 Conference

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Apr 23, 2014 6:31:57 AM

At the beginning of this year, I talked about investing time and money into the personal development and training of our staff. Our goal is to continually improve the customer experience and strengthen our position as your "go to" source for all things document management. Well, this week it's my turn.

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Topics: Document Management and ECM

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