Children's aid societies like yours are critical organizations for making sure that all children are well taken care of. In order to take better care of our children, constant improvements are needed. One of the most effective ways to improve a children's aid society's capabilities is with better data management.
Scott Kimura

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Child Protection Information Network: Helping Children's Aid Societies Go Digital
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5 Long Term Data Preservation and Storage Solutions
As important documentation piles up, the importance of high volume storage solutions increases. Here are five excellent solutions to manage your data for the long term:
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Switching to electronic records is a must. It will help your organization save money and allow you to operate much more efficiently. But what about the paper documentation that you have right now? Fortunately, you can take these into the digital era with you by simply having them scanned. However, you will probably have a whole lot of paper to convert to digital, so you need to choose the most effective professional scanning solutions in order to prevent this process from becoming a burden.
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No matter what industry your company operates in, filling out, filing, copying, distributing and retrieving paperwork will be a requirement. This is a tedious set of tasks that nobody likes, no matter how important it is. Thanks to the necessity of paperwork, you can lose track of how much you are compiling, and you -- or your office -- can quickly become overwhelmed by packets, folders and files of paper. So when is enough enough? We are going to take a look at when you simply have too much paper, and what proactive solutions you can take to prevent paper-induced clutter from ever occurring in your office again.
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What You’ll Learn from Our New Electronic Medical Records Webinar
Many health care providers are realizing the advantages of transitioning to electronic medical records (EMR). However, there are a number of important things about EMRs, and the process of going paperless that need to be understood in order to ensure a successful transition. To this end, we’re hosting a free webinar to help those in the health care industry familiarize themselves with the ins and outs of electronic medical records, how to comply with EMR regulations, and management of the conversions process.
Topics: electronic medical records, Webinar