Larry Karatsoreos

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Breaking Down Accounting Records Retention Guidelines
Topics: record management, record retention
Common Record Retention Requirements for Businesses
Is your business meeting all of the record retention requirements that it should be? Records are critical for every business' operation, so if your answer to the above question is no – or you are not sure – then you have some work to do. You need to be 100 per cent sure that your business is handling its records the right way by making certain that you are meeting all of the record retention requirements for businesses like yours. To make sure that you are doing everything that you need to do in order to effectively manage records for your business, we are going to look at the record retention requirements that you need to follow.
Topics: record retention
How to Resuscitate Your Failing Hospital Records Management
Badly managed hospital records can cause a bevy of problems, including mixed up patient medical records, bad scheduling and even malpractice. Needless to say, if your hospital record management efforts are failing, then you need to act right now to fix it. Fortunately, it is possible to resuscitate your failing hospital records management system. Here is how to do it:
Topics: hospital records management
5 Unknown Benefits of Electronic Medical Records for Hospitals
By now, you and the rest of your hospital should know about most of the benefits of electronic medical records (EMRs). That being said, there are five little known benefits of using EMR systems that you should know about as well.
Topics: EMR, electronic medical records
Best Practices for Archives and Records Management for Libraries
The successful operation of a library is founded upon the ability to be able to effectively manage and archive a large set of records. Doing this the right way, however, is not as simple as snapping your fingers; in order to effectively archive your records and manage them, you have to look beyond simply placing them in alphabetical order. Here are the three best practices that you should take heed of when engaging in your archives and records management duties.
Topics: Library Scanners, library scanning, Microfilm Scanning Services, Microfiche Scanners
How to Use Automated Workflows: A Sneak Peek of Our Upcoming Webinar
The numerous benefits of automation can significantly enhance the efficiency of all of your company's workflow processes. In order to effectively integrate automation into your workflow processes, you need to understand how to do it in the first place. That being said, here is how to use automated workflows:
Topics: Workflow, automated workflows
5 Record Retention Best Practices to Help Save Time
Your records should help you do business, not get in the way. However, if your record retention practices are not up to par, then you will end up wasting a lot of time. Fortunately, getting your record retention practices in order is not very hard if you know what steps to take. That being said, here are five record retention best practices that will help you save a whole lot of time:
Topics: records retention
Document Scanner Reviews for 2015: What to Expect
Although document scanners have been important pieces of office technology for decades, they are more critical than ever right now. Instead of overwhelming office spaces and budgets with a deluge of paper, organizations are converting documents to digital files by scanning them. This means that your scanner choice can no longer be arbitrary.
Topics: Scanners
Being able to effectively manage your records is one of the most important elements of running a business. Without properly managed records, you could not effectively keep track of anything, and your organization would be poorly run as a result. That being said, modern technology is significantly changing how we are able to manage our records; let's take a look some of the records management trends that you will see in 2015.