The end of the fiscal year can be an overwhelming time for your business, no matter what industry your company is in. From small businesses to enterprise corporations, the fiscal year end means seemingly endless filing, reporting, planning and ensuring that every piece of important documentation from the past year is taken care of. When your office or offices run off of paper documents and invoices, it can be very difficult to get important work done on time, as documents are passed between hands and departments.
Document imaging is a key way to ensure that the end of the year runs as seamlessly as possible. Digital documents offer businesses an assortment of benefits to every level of employee, from intern to CEO. Consider the following, and see why document imaging should be the first step of your year-end processes.
One of the most important parts of year end paperwork is ensuring that documents stay secure, no matter who is working with them. When you have paper documents that float around the office, information can easily get into the wrong hands, as papers are confused and passed around. When your documents are scanned and digitized however, you can ensure that important pieces of information are password protected, or only shared between correct levels of employees. Document imaging ensures that your information is protected, and not misplaced.
All in One Place
One of the key benefits of document imaging is that instead of having to work with piles of ineffective paper documents, your digital documents are all in one place, at one time, and all accessible at the same time. Instead of having to pass an invoice or piece of confidential documentation around between departments that all need to utilize the information, and risk damaging it, digital documents can be accessed by everyone who needs it on their computers. This is not only incredibly helpful when many people need the same information at one time, but allows work to be done quicker, and more efficiently than ever before.
Time Crunch
No matter how hard you try, the end of the fiscal year always comes with an increased level of stress, time crunching, and no time for processes to fail. Unfortunately, in a paper based office, you have no choice but to rely on other people when passing on information or documents you need to get your work done. Though you may need an invoice today, so too may three or four other departments, and you may not get that piece of paper until later on in the week. This can be made even more difficult if someone who has the paper you need is offsite or out of office, and makes your time crunch even more difficult. With document imaging however, you will never run into this problem as your information will be right where you need it, on your computer.At the end of the fiscal year, it’s important that your employees and the information they need is ready to work with. Document imaging will ensure that your documents are easily accessible, protected, and won’t be lost in the passing around of paper. Learn more about document imaging and learn how we can help you here at MES!