How Will Your Staff's Roles Change With Automation

Posted by Andrew D'Arcy on Jul 31, 2019 9:25:00 AM

Cogwheel Gear Mechanism on Red Button on Black Computer Keyboard.Office automation can be something that a lot of businesses are reluctant to implement. This is because they assume that they are going to need to replace staff members. Then, employees worry because they fear that they are going to be out of work because of all these changes that are coming into play because of tech developments. However, automation is not about replacing staff with software. Instead, it is about streamlining daily tasks so that your team is able to focus on those problems that technology is not able to solve. With that being said, in this blog post, we are going to take a look at how automation is going to change employee roles. 

The human value of automation

It is important to understand the positive impact that automation is going to have on workflows and your employee’s day-to-day tasks. It is understandable that people are going to be worried about losing their job because they fear that robots are going to make their contribution unnecessary. However, it is up to you to explain that this is not going to be the case. You need to make it clear to everyone that works for you that automation does not equate to job loss. You need to explain that automation is going to enable your workforce to work smarter, as they are not going to get bogged down completely routine tasks. Instead, the can focus on activities that are going to take the business forward.

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Automation will reduce expenditure

There are lots of reports and research that have shown that businesses that do not embrace automation are spending way more money than they should be. While you may be tempted to simply move some of your routine tasks to overseas operation to take advantage of cheaper labor, this is not going to fix the issues of inefficient manual processes or error-prone processes. Workflow automation is certainly the much more cost-efficient option, even when compared with getting tasks completed offshore. 

The workforce will be elevated

Aside from the benefits and changes that have already been mentioned, you can expect the workforce to be elevated too. This is because there will be a refocus on quality employees executing quality work. Automation changes the work that is done. It becomes more strategic and less transactional. Plus, employees can expect wages to rise because the work that they are producing is of greater value and will take the business forward. 

Overcoming barriers to change

There is no denying that if there is one thing that most workers do not like, it is change. This is why you need to make a dedicated effort to overcoming the barriers to change. Change is not always welcome at first, and this is something you need to prepare for. You need to make sure that employees are aware of the positive impact of automation and you need to reassure them that these changes are not going to mean that their jobs are at risk. Once they understand the positive impact that automation is going to have on their daily existence, they will be much more receptive to it. 

Automation best practices

There are a number of fundamental best practices when it comes to implementing automation. This includes assessing your current processes and growth opportunities. You also need to establish a strategy, put together an operating plan, and you need to measure so that you have the basis for continual improvement. Let’s delve into this a bit deeper. You need to start by assessing your current processes and your position in the market. Then, you need to determine where you want to get to. You will then be able to figure out both the internal and external factors that can help or hinder you on this journey. This will give you the basis to put together a high-level strategy and then operationalize this strategy with an operating plan. 

All things considered, there is no denying that digital transformation in the office is going to have an impact on the way in which your staff goes about their daily tasks. However, this is certainly a change for the better. With effective document management, document scanning, and other automation features, your staff will be able to focus on what they do best rather than being bogged down with boring and mundane tasks that do not really offer any value to the organisation yet are essential for the running of it.

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