How to Find a Secure Document Scanning Services Company

Posted by Kristen Bowers on Apr 24, 2019 12:38:00 PM

photodune-5531983-security-xs_2-3The document scanning services company you select can have a critical impact on your organization and its customers. The company will be handling your data’s organization and transferring it to online systems, so it’s important that they are experts in this area. In this latest post, we’ll present a guide to finding a secure document scanning services company.

Discuss Transportation Methods

When working with a document scanning company, find out more about the methods they use to transport your documents to their scanning facility. Are these methods secure? What type of security measures does the company have in place? Another consideration is the individuals involved in the transportation process. What type of vetting do these individuals go through, and are they qualified for the transportation work?

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Review the Facility

The facility in which the bulk document scanning work will be completed should also be carefully considered. The level of security within the facility will be a critical element in ensuring that you gain a clear return on your investment for their services. Can the company provide assurances that their facility is secure? Is the facility completely owned and staffed by the company and its team? In general, it's better to have as few individuals working in the facility as possible to ensure full data protection.

Consider the Type of Files

When discussing your document scanning plans with the company, make sure you consult with their experts about the type of files they will be scanning. You might be more comfortable having highly secure files scanned on your own site rather than having them transported to the company’s site directly. Discuss your files in detail and the type of measures you would require before handing over secure data to the company for scanning.

Review Potential Shredding Options

It’s important you find out how the company handles documents once they’ve been scanned. Do staff send the document back to your organization, or do they handle the shredding work themselves? If you’re entrusting the shredding process to the company, find out more about their document destruction work. For example, who completes the destruction process, and what happens with the shredded document pieces once the destruction has been completed? Learning this information can help you become more comfortable with the company’s process.

Discuss Information Sharing at Each Stage

When will you find out about the document destruction process? Who will be responsible for communicating with you while the documents are in transport? Make sure that the company you select is committed to sharing information with you throughout the document scanning and destruction stages. You can then confirm with them directly when the work has been completed and your data is digitized, and when the paper copies have been destroyed.

Our trusted team at MES specializes in professional scanning services strategies and in securing paper documents ready for scanning and destruction. To learn more about this important process, please contact us today.

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