Go Paperless this Holiday Season!

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Dec 21, 2012 6:29:37 AM









From Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, household waste increases by more than 25%!

Here are 10 ways to incorporate "going paperless" into the holiday season, and to have Peace of Mind, not Pieces of Paper...

  1. Planning a Holiday Party? Try sending an e-card or an online party planning tool to invite guests.
  2. Eliminate paper in your holiday celebrations by using only reusable dishes, utensils, and glasses; replace paper napkins with cloth napkins; replace paper towels, use kitchen towels or at least use recyclable paper towels.
  3. Skip the wrapping paper! Creative ideas for great wrapping paper alternatives include gift bags, boxes or fabric.
  4. Buy gifts that don't require wrap. Donations and volunteering are just some ideas.
  5. Replace your paper planner with an electronic one. PDA's: Blackberry and smart phones all have contact management capabilities.
  6. Online e-zines, blogs, and PDF versions of printed magazines are becoming more and more popular, both as a replacement for and a supplement to printed publications.
  7. Utilize social media tools to share information: favorite websites, cool videos, and even gift ideas.
  8. Commit to all online banking: statements, bill, and payments.
  9. Reduce junk mail (just think of the numerous catalogs received during the holidays).
  10. Going paperless at the office? Check out our holiday video and contact us today!

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