Celebrating 12.12.12.: Top 12 Reasons to Call MES!

Posted by Kevin D'Arcy on Dec 12, 2012 8:56:33 AM




In Celebration of 12.12.12, Here Are 12 Reasons to Call MES For All of Your Document Management Needs!

1. We have over 40 years of document management experience!

2. We can handle any records management need you might have, including paper, microfilm and digital!

3. We can convert over 2,000,000 images per month!

4. We offer no charge, no obligation, site surveys and solution demos!

5. We have over 2,000 active, and most importantly happy, repeat clients!

6. We can service microfilm and scanning hardware that's older than you are!

7. We can make you believe in the power of the paperless office!

8. The average worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper per year. We can fix that and save you time and money!

9. We have dedicated account managers here to service your every need… well every document management need!

10. We're Controlled Goods Certified ensuring the highest security for your conversion project!

11. We have the "know-how" and experience to digitize your historic microfilm collections!

12. We provide Peace Of Mind, Not Pieces Of Paper!



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