What are the key markers of a professional office? In an increasingly competitive marketplace, it’s essential for your business to know and meet the expectations of professionalism in the eyes of your customers. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to change your office dress code, but it will require you to make some changes in order to stay on par (or move ahead) of your industry competitors. Here are three ways you can make your office more professional, and in turn, meet the expectations of your potential customers.
Organization and appearance
The old adage of “appearance matters” rings true in an office setting too. Studies have shown that 55% of a person’s opinion is driven by physical appearance and first impressions are formed within seven to 17 seconds. Appearance may not be the most critical factor, but it’s definitely an influencer and something your business should be aware of. The general appearance of your office says something about how you work, how organized you are, how much you care, and ultimately, how competent you are to get the job done. Look around. Are there piles of paper on desks? Are your filing cabinets disorganized or taking over your entire office space? How easy would it be for you to find a significant document when you need it? A document management solution would help you eliminate the clutter, and give your employees access to an organized digital filing system.
Modern processes and technologies
The use of current technology has become a characteristic of professionalism in every industry. That means customers, make decisions b
ased on how modern your processes are, or if you’re implementing new technologies at the same pace as your competitors. Do not be a business at rest or stuck working the same way you always have. Implement digital document management solutions that streamline your processes internally, and pass along benefits to your customers. Going paperless, as a concept, isn’t exactly “new”, but the technologies that allow businesses to collaborate, automate and improve the lifecycle of a critical document, have become incredibly sophisticated. Show your customers, and your employees, that you’re investing in modern processes and technologies to improve your reputation of professionalism.

Productivity in every department
Customers want to see that your business is consistently productive, and that trickles into every department. What slows down your employees, or creates friction that inhibits productivity? One of the major players is process. Think of your Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable employees. Their job is often paper-logged. Processing paper from invoices to payables is labour intensive and leads to higher chance of human error. This can be incredibly frustrating within your organization, but also, to customers. Ensuring that information is readily available and accessible from the Cloud will streamline these processes, and ultimately make your employees more productive. Similarly, think of your Human Resources department. They have their hands in managing current employees, job applications, the dissemination of information to employees and enforcement of your internal policies and procedures. A lack of productivity due to slow, unreliable paper processes will have a significant impact on your company’s overall ability to deliver for your customers and manage your business internally.
Decision makers use professionalism as a determining factor when comparing solutions or partners. In these ways and more, you can use a document management solution to make your office more professional, and increase your ability to compete within your industry, and meet the expectations of your potential customers.