You may be set on implementing document scanning services for your business, and know that the benefits of a digital system are vast. But, are finances getting in the way? Depending on the quantity and quality of your paper documents, a scanning solution may be an upfront cost you’re not comfortable with. To help with these fees. IBM Global Financing is making up to 4 billion dollars available to companies just like yours.
IBM has been an industry leader and changer for all things technology, and is one of the most identifiable names in their field. IBM also realizes with ever-changing technological field, small and medium sized businesses need to keep up with the technological demands of their industry and their competitors. IBM Global Financing if offering businesses loan packages to ensure they can get the document scanning services they need, with some packages offering 0% interest for a year without putting anything down.
The Services You Need
With your IBM funding, you need to invest in document scanning services that will advance your business forward. Here at MES, we recommend considering the following options:
Document Scanning
First and foremost, document scanning services are essential. Digital documentation will not only bring you up to speed, but will open up a world of possibilities. No matter the amount of paper documents you need scanned, MES can take care of the job! If your office is still using paper documents on a day to day basis, a document scanning service is the first change you should be making to your business.
Document Management Software
If you have your documents scanned but aren’t sure of which next step to take, a document management software will make all the difference. This software will allow you to interact with your documents unlike before, automatically saving information, instantly filing them, accessing them when needed and much more. Software like this is a simple addition to the document scanning services as well, and can be done jointly for maximum efficiency.
Microfilm and Microfiche Scanning
In some organizations, significant amounts of historical data has been preserved on microfilm and/or microfiche. As these materials age and begin to fall apart, the data on these documents will also begin to disappear. To save this information, without damaging the documents, a microfilm scanning service will permanently save this data by turning it digital.
To learn more about the IBM Global Financing program, and to discover the document scanning services you should invest it in, get in touch with a team member at MES today!![New Call-to-action](