Educational Institution Facility & Student Record Management, Part 3

Posted by admin on Jul 8, 2011 8:00:14 AM

In part 2 of this blog post we discussed the benefits of a high quality document management company’s record management solutions. In this blog post we will discuss the challenges educational facilities face in regards to student record management and how quality student record management solutions can address these challenges.

Educational institutions face a number of key challenges in regards to student records management including the fact that too often at these institutions information and documents are being doubled and triple keyed due to the lack of a central repository. Additionally, records managers spend too much time dealing with dated technology as opposed to focusing on their core business tasks.

Student records management solutions can address these key challenges by automating the collection of information from students and parents and addressing the long-term retention requirements of these documents. Additionally, these document management solutions provide remote access for record managers from different schools, which improves collaboration while still maintaining document security through a centralized information management structure.

For more information about student record management, continue to visit our blog or contact MES Hybrid Document Systems

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