Document Management Blog | MES

Manageable Mess

Written by Robert Adshead | Feb 9, 2012 2:56:31 PM

Priorities often dictate the structure of an employee’s day, week, and even year. For this reason it is easy to put off implementing new organizational changes. These occurrences happen frequently when dealing with the conversion of a large back-file of paper.

Although the back-file takes up space and time, the contents continue to hold value. Rather than spending hours of company time sifting through cabinets, desks, and drawers in search of single documents why not digitize the collection? To this people often say “The cost is too high”.

To reduce the cost of large volume document scanning projects HDS is comfortable with taking work in batches. This means that rather than one shipment, documents may be digitized in stages. Batch document scanning is an effective way of spreading costs over time while helping to save your businesses valuable resources.

At the end of the day the results are the same; faster look ups, improved archiving, a disaster recovery plan, and improved space. HDS truly believes in providing our customers with; Peace of Mind, Not Pieces of Paper.

Find our more about our document scanning services