Document Management Blog | MES

Overcoming Obstacles When Implementing an Electronic Document Management System

Written by Scott Kimura | Jul 6, 2016 3:00:00 PM

Electronic document management is undeniably the way of the future, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be barriers to implementation and use. Whether or not your staff are willing to let go of their old routine and try something new may not be the only objection you hear when announcing your change to electronic document management systems. Some of the most common objections to this change appear over and over again, so consider these obstacles and how to overcome them.

The Current Processes Work

It easy to believe that your current processes work, they’ve gotten you this far after all. But have you considered they could work much better? Lost time comes in the form of manual data entry, paper retrieval and storage, and costly mistakes. When you utilize electronic document management however, data entry is automated, documents are safely stored and backed up, and human errors are not of concern.

Converting Paper to Digital is Difficult

Converting your paper documents to digital files may be the most difficult part of switching to an electronic document management system. Do you simply scan every item and keep it as an image file? How would you then interact with a scan of your document? This can seem tedious, until you speak to an MES Document Hybrid scanning specialist. We do the scanning and digitizing for you, creating interactive documents that you can work with, and offering you document management solutions so you’ll never run into this issue again.

Technical Issues Will Appear

Depending on your business, you may have an unfortunate lack of IT resources at your disposal, which at one time could have been an obstacle to digital documentation. Our electronic document management system however is easily implemented in any system, and is extremely user friendly to ensure everyone can use it. The highly efficient system requires minimal IT resources, and won’t require a team of computing professionals to take care of.

Concerns About ROI

The investment in electronic document management software may seem like it takes away from your profits, and won’t produce a strong ROI. The bottom line is that if you miss out on automating and digitizing your documents, you forfeit significant cost savings, operational efficiencies and insights into the running of your business. Manual processes take more time and cost you more money.

For more information about overcoming obstacles when implementing a document management system, take a look at our recent eBook Improving Your Business With Workflow Automation Software, or contact us today!